Balance Hormones, Balance You Workshop


Do you or your colleagues feel tired, anxious or have difficulty concentrating?  Are they longing for those days when they were full of energy, confidence and bounce?

 For many women the menopause is a rollercoaster of high emotions, headaches, hot flushes and angst. But it doesn’t have to be that way. 

 Balance Hormones, Balance You is an insightful and interactive workshop that helps women experiencing peri-menopausal or menopausal symptoms understand the changes in their body and learn how to manage them naturally so they feel back in control, strong and vibrant.   

My approach teaches women first-hand how to embrace hormonal change by re-balancing their body through emotional self-care, dietary and lifestyle change.

For many women this natural phase of their life can be overwhelming or confusing.  I can help your company support your colleagues so they regain their confidence, feel focused, positive and productive. 

This workshop is recommended for ALL ages as it covers all aspects of the menstrual cycle. It is particularly beneficial for peri-menopause (40s) and menopause (50s).


  • 60 minute presentation in-person and/or online, unlimited numbers welcome

• Insight and understanding of the female cycle and hormones

  • Practical advice and tips on how to manage the pre, peri and post phases of menopause

• Q & A session

• Samples of healthy snacks and drinks (extra charge)



• Start to embrace this stage of their life

  • Feel knowledgeable about healthy diet, lifestyle and emotional wellbeing to support them at work and at home

  • Think differently about the menopause and be eager to share their new knowledge

“Sophie has guided me through the menopause. She has enabled me to understand my body better and to work with it to heal and re- balance. I feel healthier now than I have done for years”

- Lucy, 53