Let's keep the conversation open: Learn more about your menopause

Highlighting the menopausal phase of our life's journey is really important to me.  

Not enough has been said in the past and I have a feeling with the level of stress we're under, we're suffering more than ever.  In fact, what was 34 symptoms has jumped to over 60.

Let's open up the conversation even more to create greater awareness and greater self-compassion

I am still meeting women in their mid-40s who are surprised when I suggest their irregular painful and heavy periods are usually a sign of peri-menopause.  And they're completely unprepared!

Let's make this conversation reach the point that every person with a cycle whatever age is aware of it and more importantly it's taboo is removed and any fear of what it means.

Menopause can be an incredible awakener to your true self.  Yes it's uncomfortable but it can also be the making of us.  If done right, we get clear in our desires, our authenticity, our needs.  Able to shake off behaviours that don't serve us and launch ourselves forthright into our older years, calm, wise leaders of the world.

Keen to understand more?

I wrote an in-depth article about Menopause for local publication,  The List Guernsey:  
 The Invisible Side of the Menopause.

Tracey Thomson & Stefanie Haigh are it's founders whose mission writes:

  • "to inspire you to make your health and wellbeing a priority

  • to encourage you to spend quality time with family and friends 

  • to enjoy the special moments in the everyday

  • to get the most out of local life"

Here's a little intro followed by an excerpt:

"Sophie from Fuller Nutrition shares her views with us on the emotional effects of the menopause, giving an honest account of her own personal experiences and offering insights into the feelings that many of us deal with from time to time... but which can feel ten times worse when you are transitioning through the various stages of menopause.

Sophie recognises that, wherever we are on our hormonal journey, as women we are cyclical and we are not supposed to be powerhouses all month long! Retreat and rest is vital. As is the need to be seen, to be heard and to be supported.

Drawing on her knowledge as a nutritional therapist and life coach, Sophie offers holistic and nutritional advice that we can incorporate into our everyday self care regime. Over to you, Sophie...."

"Sometimes you berate yourself for feeling like this because in your head there's no reason to. You have a loving partner, work is going well and your kids are happy. 'What on earth is wrong with me?' you say to yourself..."

Read more here.

Here's what I cover:

  • The emotional side of the Menopause

  • Some of the more serious aspects such as the high rate of suicide in women between the ages of 45 and 49

  • Learning to Listen to Your Body

  • The need to be seen - Penny Lancaster's story

  • Change is afoot as Menopause was debated in Parliament this year triggering positive reactions in the work-place

  •  The holistic approach to Menopause.  It puts hormones into the bigger picture

  • The importance of nutritional support

  • And finally the value of rest and restorative practices

It's beautifully laid out for ease.  I hope you find it insightful and helpful x

Fuller Nutrition

Sophie Shand is a holistic Nutrition coach with 30 years experience in Nutrition, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Western Naturopathy and life coaching skills. She specialises in Menopause as well as weight balance, men's health and gut health, campaigning for greater awareness and support of menopause in the work-place.


"I’m delighted the subject of Menopause is being highlighted more and more, both in individual conversations where women feel able to talk about the wide and diverse range of symptoms that accompany this phase, and within the workplace." - Sophie

Big hug
