Balance Weight Balance You

Are you struggling to develop or maintain a healthy relationship with food?

I can relate.  It was once one of my biggest stressors.  

I was brought up to look after my body with healthy food which was great but certain foods seemed like they were the enemy.

Of course, anything in excess such as sugar is going to have a negative effect but the idea that food is 'good' or 'bad' means if you want it there's something wrong with you and you can develop a very unkind way of talking to yourself losing all sense of balance and in particular self-compassion and self-kindness.

This is something I work on very hard these days because my inner critic can have a field day.  I tell myself anything in moderation is fine and talk kindly to the voice in my head that wants to chastise me everytime I want something sweet

My experience is that a lot of my physical symptoms result not so much from the choices I've made but from the way I respond to my choices unkindly which causes internal stress.  I've really stopped doing this and it means I have a much more relaxed and self-loving balanced approach to what I eat and I feel healthier.  It's called following my intuition.

Perhaps you don’t struggle with this, but for a significant number of people we fall under the category of ‘emotional eaters,' known to use food for comfort while simultaneously believing some foods in particular are the enemy.  

Food isn't the enemy, we are.  The sticky bun you ate or the bar of chocolate or the 2 glasses of wine - they're not the enemy.

The enemy is the way you beat yourself up mercilessly every time you break one of your food beliefs, for eg; eating sugar will make you ill

In this unbalanced unloving state, you're much more likely to raid the cupboards at night and pig out on your favourite foods.

Know that you're trying to feel better temporarily and repeating a negative cycle of lack of self-love. Know that it’s time to start looking at the way you un-love yourself each and every day. This is not your fault but you do need to recognise it and do something about it.

The work we do in session is to unravel this and any other sabotaging behaviour.  To replace it with healthy self-loving habits. It's not the behaviour but the beliefs we have about ourselves that we need to look at first.  The behaviour is a symptom.

Now remember our beliefs are formed when we are young and don't yet have rational thinking.   They stick with us until we become aware of them and choose to change them.  Until that time, they wreak havoc and because they cause negative thoughts and feelings, this causes stress and over the long-term stress can cause a physical reaction, in other words, dis-ease.  Holistic systems like Traditional Chinese Medicine asserts that 'dis-ease is the sum total of blocked emotion.'

This is why the majority of my work is to unlock the emotional baggage you're carrying and help you rewire your thoughts aka love yourself then the habits of eating healthier or having a mutually loving relationship or whatever it is you desire fall into place much more easily

So what if we focused less on changing our dietary habits and more on our thoughts and feelings allowing ourselves to feel our emotions and self-regulate or self-calm letting our natural instinct guide us to foods and drinks that feel good.

Wouldn't that be amazing?  To stop worrying about what you might choose to eat that could be unhealthy and place your entire focus on the wellbeing of your mind and the natural self-care that flows from that.  

And you know what happens?  

You choose the chocolate sometimes, maybe even a little everyday.
You choose the glass/es of red wine, the creamy pasta dish every so often and the eczema you thought would flare up doesn't or the migraine you thought you'd get doesn't occur or the achy joints or the weight gain or whatever, because you are in alignment with yourself, you're tuned in, you're de-stressed, you're self-loving, you're self-kind, you're self-healing.

 It's an innovative concept right, when you have diet companies out there making fortunes getting you to place your entire focus on a particular food or supplement or something else which triggers a sense of restriction and ultimate rebellion at some point, creating the yo-yo diet cycle.

Yes there are some healthy protocols to adopt but really you want to do the inner work, to be tuned in to yourself so that whatever you're doing; eating, exercising, socialising, meditating, resting, working even..makes you feel good.

 Ready to explore and take the leap?  I have a package just for you.  It's called Balance Weight Balance You and will give you the nudge you need.  More than that, you'll have the tools to launch yourself into a new version of you, healthy, fit and happy.  Click on the link above to find out more.


Sending you much love and good vibes

Sophie xox