Get your confidence, drive and mojo back with my 3-tiered approach

Do you wish you had more energy, could keep the weight off or maintain a healthy fitness regime?

Are you fed up of feeling undervalued at work, your hard work goes unnoticed or you've been passed over for a promotion?

Do you find there just simply aren't enough hours in the day to keep your boss happy and your home life too?

I'm currently in the process of stepping up my work with men as we navigate possibly the most difficult time ever on the planet

I've noticed as I work with women to become more empowered, happy, healthy and confident, we are sharing our lives with men who are taught in the playground, locker-room and conference room that to show their emotions, any kind of vulnerability, any actual truth to how they are really feeling is weak.

Burying your needs ( shown by your feelings) is known to be an unhealthy action as it can lead to poor dietary and lifestyle habits to try to cope such as reliance on alcohol or junk foods to wind down, overwork or excessive or non-existent exercise.

And a woman who carries her own unmet needs is taught a different motto to live by in society,  "to do it all and do it perfectly," (social researcher, Brené Brown) leading to her own struggles too.

Men are taught to show no sign of weakness and can be held to account and sometimes by their loved ones too. 

How often has a man revealed a deep insecurity and instantly regretted it when he sees the reaction, when he no longer appears to be'the strong one?' 

It can be hard to build intimate, loving, supportive relationships when both men and women carry these burdens, often blaming each other for not meeting their needs.

Little do we know that feeling confident to express yourself actually makes you stronger not weaker.  

Talking about how you feel enables you to be yourself and this has the benefit of letting others in, letting others see the truth of who you are.  It also means by being vulnerable, you are open to receiving as well as giving, an essential part of living life in balance.

To be seen and heard is our greatest wish in life.  It validates us as human beings.


A man who can show his feelings is a man in touch with his needs leading to greater self-confidence, drive and leadership in his ability to support and encourage others as his own cup is full

But this is difficult if we have certain beliefs about ourselves, for eg; I'm not good enough or I'm too tall, too fat, too thin etc..

If you long to feel energised, motivated and inspired by life.  If you want to slough off the excess weight and feel like you're old self, I can help you do this.

We look at your whole life from birth to the present day and your family history.


I use 3 tools:

*I look at your limiting beliefs you have about yourself 

*I help you change your mindset with small consistent steps


*I address your nutrition and lifestyle

This inner mining is needed by both men and women for not only successful, loving relationships but fun, enjoyable lives too!

As male suicide reaches over 3/4's more than female suicide and has significantly increased since 2017, the importance of creating a safe space to open up has never been more needed.  The highest age-specific suicide rate is 45-49 years.

Why not schedule a call here to discuss how I can help.

Looking forward to connect with you.


Sophie xox