Mind-Body healing: what to expect in a session

The Queen's passing

I'm grateful clients reshuffled their appointments since the Queen passed away.  It means there have been periods of reflection I've welcomed.

When it happened on Thursday I was having one of those 'should' days.  Surely I should be doing those work related jobs which will make me feel productive and feel a sense of achievement?  I couldn't.  I cleaned.  I pottered about my home.  I procrastinated and felt increasing displeased with myself that I just couldn't focus.  At lunch-time the news came in which was difficult to make sense of.  How serious was it?

I kept the BBC on in the background for a couple hours and then went off and did other things.  I had a big shock when my son announced, "the Queen is dead."  I burst into tears.

Since then I've wafted in and out of sadness and reflection, intuitively turning on the TV at those poignant moments such as the Queen leaving Balmoral and arriving at Holyrood Palace.  I worked during those 6 hrs so saw the start and the end of that solemn yet deeply moving procession.  And the following day to St Giles Cathedral.

A profound moment, the Queen's passing coincides with a recent desire to be more in service and it was very much on the evening of her passing, I felt strongly the urge to now truly encompass her qualities of stoicism, kindness, stability, service, good humour and I may add, the ability to switch off - to have her own personal enjoyments - her holidays at Balmoral, her corgis and her horses.  She did work selflessly.  She also had a team to support her.  A devoted husband, a large family and of course her team of staff without which, I very much doubt she would have been able to conduct herself as seamlessly as she did.  

It reminds me of a book I've read recently called Partnering by Jean Oelwang who emphasises the benefit of "forging deep connections.” That partnership, romantic, business or otherwise that can “make great things happen." Certainly when I listen to people's success stories some of that success is the result of great partnerships.

I have immense gratitude to the example she set as a person in the highest seat of power and yet the least 'power-like' if you think of power in terms of controlling, dominating and selfish as we have often come to know it.
And so I remain in this reflective mood albeit somewhat more productive since Friday I'm happy to report.

Pisces Full Moon + Autumn Equinox

The watery, emotional Pisces Full Moon passed on Saturday, the build up noticeable in both myself and people I had the pleasure of bumping into or sharing time with.

Whilst some will consider any mention of the Full Moon as some kind of mystical element not really relevant to 'real' life, I must correct you.  The lunar cycle has a pulling effect on anything fluid and the time of the Full moon has the strongest tidal effect.
We are 70-80% fluid so this pulling effect can have a concentrating effect inside our cells creating a great deal of discomfort as the natural exchange of electrolytes and movement of nutrients and toxins inside and outside the cells tries to occur.

Hence, in the 3 days leading up to the Full Moon we can struggle to sleep properly, feel restless and uneasy, suffer with panic attacks, headaches and other symptoms.  And it's why I strongly recommend you drink plenty of water and eat as cleanly as possible during this time and in the 3 days afterwards.  If you can, you will often find you feel clearer-headed, as if you've done a detox which you have, only this time you've used the full moon energies to your benefit which is more powerful than doing a detox at any other time apart from equinoxes.

The only problem is, you can also find your cravings are strongest at this time as it can be so uncomfortable to detoxify - old niggly symptoms can rear their ugly head, your blood sugar drops more readily so the desire for a glass of wine or bar of chocolate can reach it's height.  The problem is if you ignore this opportunity and make poor choices you can end up making your toxic load bigger which means more headaches, poor sleep, irritability, aches and pains etc, maybe even flu, cold and covid episodes to boot so it's worth making the effort.

Confession;  I didn't follow my own advice which means I feel ever so slightly headachey everyday at the moment especially with this close, clammy weather.  

Onto the Autumn Equinox and we are really not going to get away with it.  The full moon and the equinox in 10 days time.  What a combination!  But on the flip side, we can make the most of it and dive into a mega self-care opportunity.
You could try simply drinking more water to start with.  Eating more short grain brown rice to bulk the bowel.  Increasing your greens.  Cutting back on caffeine such as tea, coffee, chocolate and green tea plus alcohol, sugar etc.  I would choose 1 or 2 things to focus on and a general clean up if you can.  

Less is more!  Don't be shoving in loads of supplements and detox remedies around this time.  The universe is doing it for you.  Get the basics right - your diet and naturopathic techniques are fab such as hot and cold showering.  I love sea-swimming.  Enemas, juicing and maybe epsom salts baths would be amazing at this time of year.

The equinox is powerful because it's a seasonal changeover and really you want to be prepared because we are going into Autumn folks.  Beautiful as that may be, daylight is decreasing and your lymphatic system is doing a flip around the other way up your back and down your front.  This requires huge wherewithal.  In other words if you're a little toxic ball due to chronic stress, poor diet etc..it will be very hard for the body to do.  It will do it but you won't feel great and during the equinox and in the 3 weeks before and after you may get a bout of flu, a tummy bug or generally feel more tired and achey.  How you present is individual to you.

Finally, in Autumn and Winter we break more natural laws such as eating after dark and getting up before it's light which is tough on our systems, not un-doable of course.  We do it, we get on with it but it helps to prepare ourselves and reassess our priorities going forward, perhaps an earlier bed-time routine.  Don't stop going outside though - it's super calibrating for the body and mind!

I'm looking forward to using my Spring birthday present through the Winter - yes you guessed it - an E-bike!  Oh how I love that thing!  Cycling back from a night out down the Val des Terres, communing with the nature around me, looking up at the party-goers on Red's balcony and whisking myself home along the cycle lane.  What a difference to not be boxed in.  I still massively appreciate my electric car too.  I feel blessed to have both.  
So I have embraced sea-swimming throughout the year now for the 4th time and hopefully cycling too to keep me connected to nature, my senses awake and open to possibility both mentally and physically and not forgetting what a big exhale it feels like when I do it.

Changes to my fee structure

I want to make my services as accessible as possible so I've introduced a change which means if you want a single consultation you can choose either 60 minutes or 90 minutes AND you can opt out of the post-session email to reduce cost even further.

So a 60 minute session is £95 or £75 excluding the email and a 90 minute session is £145 or £120 excluding the email.

Just to say, the post-session email is a detailed resource with insights and actions from your session which you have for life.
I don't know about you, but sometimes when I have a therapy session for eg; coaching/astrology, I find it really frustrating that a week later I can barely remember a thing about it.

Of course, you do have the option to record your session but the great thing about the email is I do add extra insights and actions which occur to me after your session too.  I pride myself on these emails because I take a great deal of time to ensure you have something that will be useful for you at any time in the present or the future.

And success is built on small daily changes not one big one and these emails break that process down into manageable chunks.  Big changes don't last hence the failure of New Years resolutions usually, which is also why my packages are a good idea because you get the regularity, repetition, accountability and continued progress you might not have otherwise.

What to expect in a session

Finally here is my most recent video which is, I would describe, a more serious sharing whilst heartfelt, detailing my credentials and how they influence the way in which I work and most importantly what you can expect from a session.  From my title, 'Fuller Nutrition,' you may assume I focus solely on Nutrition so I wanted to broaden that understanding with you.

There is so much more to these sessions than you may perhaps think and it may be a relief to know there is much you can do.  The way we think and feel, if negative, has a huge impact on our physical health as it causes stress and prolonged stress can worsen current health conditions, trigger new ones and lead to long-term ill-health. 

It is possible to think and feel differently and it's from this place we make healthy choices

It's from this place we develop loving kindness towards ourselves and from this place of loving kindness we are able to heal ourselves and others..  To finally put that armour down and love yourself.  So much easier to navigate the world from a place of love and gratitude.

Plus you have all that amazing nutritional and naturopathic knowledge too and my Traditional Chinese Medicine background which is a roadmap in determining where your dis-ease or symptoms come from. 

If this excites you, get in touch - we might be a good match to work together.

With much love and kindness from my heart to yours
Big hug.

Sophie xox

p.s.  I'm off to do a choline bitartrate enema to clear the liver's detox pathways.  These are old naturopathic techniques which in no way harm the body yet open up the body's routes of elimination to clear stagnant 'gunk' as I like to call it:)