Raiding the cupboards at night? My personal struggle

Do you find yourself rifling through the cupboards late at night when no-one else is looking?

Do you tell yourself you're going to stick to a healthy diet and a few days later succumb to a chocolate biscuit or an ice cream at the beach and think, 'oh well, there goes my best laid plans, might as well eat the whole packet or I knew my good intentions wouldn't last, they never do.'

Does your inner critic rage with internal thoughts of "I'm useless, I'm lazy, I never stick to anything?"

Well let me tell you my little secret.

I'm the same as you!

I have the same nagging voice beating me down and it's only in the last few years ( and I've been in this field for 30) that I've finally got a handle on it, where it comes from, why it's happening and how I can minimise it and invite in the wise, loving part of myself to embrace healthy habits.

Let me elaborate!

Everyday even though I wasn't hungry I wanted sweet treats and not just one, I wanted lots.

I was fortunate I didn't gain weight so friends and family would say - "don't worry about it, you're so slim you can eat what you like" but they were wrong. I had constant niggly health issues whether it was colds or fungal infections or fluctuating energy.

Enter peri-menopause (which stirs up any underlying toxicity) and I was hit with migraines.

And this is because eating that amount of sugar regardless of whether it was a' healthier variety' like several of those fruit bars or actual chocolate increases your toxic load when you have it in regular high-ish quantities.

I knew deep down there was a reason for my cravings which wasn't just physical and no amount of willpower 'in the moment' was going to solve it.

But the worst thing was I was a Nutritional therapist helping others to develop healthy eating habits and I was secretly stuffing myself with sugar every night. I felt terrible and worst of all this destructive behaviour lowered my confidence making me feel worthless.

I felt the worst emotion of all shame.

Far worse than guilt, shame is known as the most toxic emotion of all. It emits the lowest vibration on the omega consciousness scale at just 20 (the highest being enlightenment at +700 and love being at 500).

But those of us who understand the Soul's journey know that these emotions aren't randomly felt in adulthood. They always have their root in childhood and the journey of a conscious adult is to become aware of them by being curious about what we are experiencing in our lives.

It was when my heart got broken and I sat on the sofa for a month (not quite but you get my drift) that I sought some therapy and saw the bigger picture.  The little girl inside me was in a lot of pain.  

She needed me to start stepping up for her and give myself the love which I'd looked for outside all these years.

So when I started looking at my past I felt the utmost compassion for the little girl who'd had a tough time growing up and more importantly this sugar addiction wasn't even my stuff - I'd carried it over from my mother who may have carried it over from her ancestors.

Now recognising all this doesn't mean I suddenly became an angel when it came to chocolate and sugar.  I had to re-wire my brain with consistent repetitive techniques to change my unhealthy habits and be self-loving.

So when a colleague asked if she could interview me about my work and my personal journey I was keen to get the message out and equally terrified to tell my truth.

So here it is.  The most authentic raw interview I've ever given!

But I also knew it was time to knock this shame on the head (it loves to be hidden) and share my story.

I'm not perfect but it's through my own battles I can truly empathise and offer you the most effective tools and techniques to resolve your own food issues

Are you ready?
Are you ready to finally kick those self-sabotaging behaviours - the people pleasing, the comfort eating, the late nights, the over-working?
If you are, this is the video for you.  You can skip to the last half if you want to hear less about my story and more about the tools and techniques I use daily.

As always enjoy and if you feel the calling to work 1:1 you know where I am.

Big hug