Get prepared for Autumn with some Summer reading..

Hi lovely people

We're in the height of Summer woohoo!

The sun is shining quite a bit.

The sea is warmer.

The evenings are still light 

so you might NOT be focused on creating new healthy habits right now to feel amazing.  

Of course if you are, schedule a chat right here.  I'd love to hear from you 'cos I'm working right through August onwards.

But if you're not ready to take the plunge know that success comes with preparation and planning.  

I know we're fed garbage that we don't succeed because we don't have good willpower.   Well let me tell you, it's much more about the systems you put in place which includes these 2 things AND taking small steps everyday. 


So what have I gone and done?

I've collated all my blogs for you right here under specific subject headings so you can have a good read over the Summer in preparation.  Yes indeedy!

Whenever we have any bugging health concerns..feeling tired all the time, unsure of ourselves, filled with anxiety or suffering from headaches and weight gain, it's ALWAYS a good idea to take a moment and consider what to do. 

And what's a good way to do that?  

Do some light reading on the subject in advance of making any changes.

Perhaps you might even feel encouraged to factor one of the steps into your planner now for eg; creating a healthy bed-time routine or drinking regular glasses of water.  

And it helps to know why it's a good idea to make these changes and the benefits you'll gain so enjoy having a good read.  They're usually 3-5 minutes long.

Choose from the list below and either:

1.  Close your eyes, scroll down and let your finger choose one.  This engages the right brain which allows your intuition to guide you or

2.  Look at each of the main subject titles and choose the topic title that jumps out at you.  Don't take too long and engage your thinking too much.  Be spontaneous then you'll choose just the right message you need in that moment.

Small hint. You could keep this email somewhere easily accessible and pick 1 a day or week to keep you switched on and tuned into your self-care.

That's it from me so enjoy the warm balmy weather and don't forget my instagram for top tips and recipe ideas ( instagram stories) or my facebook page to stay switched on and tuned in.


Loads of free advice to get you on track or keep you on track to living your best life 🥰

Much love




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