5 top tips to lose weight

Have you piled on the pounds over Christmas?

Does it seem like your weight is spiralling out of control despite everything you do?  
Are you desperate to feel like you’re old self, happy, healthy and relaxed? 

It can feel like the worst feeling in the world when you can’t seem to feel healthy with balanced weight. 

You’re not alone!

At times I’ve really struggled to not over-eat with my sweet tooth.  I don’t tend to gain weight ( family genes!) but I feel sluggish, bloated, constipated and headachey and any hormonal change brings our unhealthy tendencies and physical imbalances to the surface more.

I’ve identified 4 areas important to address for success.

1. Becoming aware of our emotional drivers, the emotional patterns we’ve developed as children to survive but which play out in our daily lives and get in the way of us overcoming unhealthy habits, addictions, weight gain and basically stop us from living living life to the full.

2. The physical, ie; physical imbalance in the body such as dehydration which affects the liver’s ability to break down fats and which means the body ain’t gonna let go of excess weight, toxicity etc.. till it has the reassurance to let go.

3. Mindset, because with the right mindset we take back control of our thoughts which cause our feelings which cause our behaviours which can lead to weight gain and other problems. 

4. Planning and routine. Sounds boring but they’re absolutely key to success.

Now this approach is not a quick fix, it’s for long-term, lifestyle change.

Once you understand why you feel the way you do and get behind what’s going on, it’s such a relief and actually your journey becomes so exciting as you dream and plan your new future.

And that’s because we go beyond the idea of just thinking about weight loss and look at what being slimmer, fitter and healthier will give you so you get excited. For eg; maybe you’ve been wanting to plan an exciting adventure or try a new fun activity like abseiling or join a dance group. 

And when you get excited, imagine what happens in the brain = new neural pathways get created to get you to your goal..pretty amazing!!

You’re more likely to create change for life because you’re not just losing weight, you’re actually creating this amazing life in your mind. Maybe you want to climb kilimanjaro one day. Maybe you want to live to a ripe old age and watch your grandchildren grow up. Maybe you’d like a new relationship or just to be more sociable and this is being affected by you’re not feeling or looking the way you want to.

Whatever it is, you deserve to live life to the full. To get your dream promotion or join a running club or go on an exciting adventure. This is your time. We have one life after all.

So allow yourself to think of what you might miss or lose out on by not having that cake so you know what's stopping you and then what you will gain to keep you on track.

Here’s 5 tips you might like to try:

1. Planning meals for the week ahead on Sunday afternoon and if you can, do some batch-cooking for the week to make it easy.

2. Choose healthy dishes you really fancy and have lots of variety. That way you’ll really enjoy them so you’re not searching for something else afterwards. Don’t get bored! Look up recipes online or dig out your cookery books. I love minimalistbaker.com and Jamie Oliver. Or follow me on facebook @myfullernutriton ‘cos I post a new recipe every week.

3. Balance is really important. There’s no such thing as good and bad foods. We label them! So let's take the emotion and that sneaky thing called judgement out of the equation and enjoy a dessert sometimes or a glass of wine. I might have dessert or a cake mid-week and at the weekend for eg.

4. The absolute key is the self-kindness throughout. Without this, you’ll struggle. So instead of beating yourself up when you indulge, skip to the lesson. We all slip up! You’re gonna slip up FOR SURE and you’re gonna learn from that. Is that such a bad thing?

5. When your voice inside feels like it’s screaming at you for dessert or a packet of crisps or whatever ( I know it so well, mine feels like my small self is having a screaming tantrum), acknowledge it
- say ‘I hear you, it’s ok, I hear you, I also know what’s best for you, I’m gonna hold you and care for you in my mind, I’m also not going to give you a sugary bar of chocolate, I’m going to carry on with my plans to sit at my desk and work or exercise or whatever it is. 

Imagine how good that sense of control feels, the sense of satisfaction as day in day out you repeat this same positive behaviour. You’ll start to feel on top of the world.

I can have what feels like an inner battle at times but you’ve got to know it’s just little you wanting comfort or something.

Would you comfort your child with a packet of biscuits if they had just had a difficult day at school? No you wouldn’t. You’d offer soothing words and maybe a cuddle or wrap them up on the sofa for a moment. We need to do this to ourselves. We need to nurture ourselves.

So loves I’m here for you every step of the way, to hold your hand, interpret what’s going on physically, emotionally and spiritually and above all help you keep on track to reach the parts of you you haven’t reached yet ( I sound like an advert!!).

The parts of you longing to have expression, maybe it’s a fun part or spontaneous part and help you look and feel fantastic, sharing your gifts, celebrating your life, living the dream. It’s a wonderful world or it can be if you choose it ( and ignore the news for a while!!!).

We can do this, we can be our best selves. We can I promise. It just takes a bit of effort to start the ball rolling and then you won’t be able to stop, not if I have anything to do with it that’s for sure.

Need personalised 121 support? Message me here and lets get you on the road to success