"Diets" don't work but I know what does

Wow what a week!

Life threw me a curve-ball last week when my daughter broke her leg and I was forced to stop.  

Always an optimistic soul, I believe there's a gift in everything and the gift in this event was to bring this simplicity to my life I don't normally have.  
All that mattered was ensuring my daughter's wellbeing with the fantastic support of the Nurses and Doctors.  

I had to sit and sit and sit and in that sitting I got calm and in that calmness I found peace and in that peace I found gratitude and in that gratitude I found connection to myself and to loved ones more than normal.  

It was super profound.

It's not all plain-sailing I'll admit.  
I've shed a few tears ( very little sleep) and that's fine, I'm not super-human but I also know I'm ok, I'm going to be ok and so is my daughter.  

The daily inner work makes the difference. It makes me strong inside yet soft.  

My mindfulness practice and self-care through diet and exercise and my complete and utter faith in God, source or whatever you want to call it.

5 days later and home, it's more difficult I'll admit but I hear my inner voice prompting me to go gently, to breathe, to forgive myself for not getting everything done as quickly as I should.

So how are you doing?
What are you up to?   
What's working for you and not working for you right now?

Is it that new diet you embarked on in the New Year?
Is your motivation waning?
Do you feel like Winter is going on forever?

Feb is a bit of a tricky one.  We've had many months of rainy, dark days so it's understandable our motivation might be on the downward curve.

But it's also because we give ourselves such a hard time.  By now we should have lost the weight, got our mojo back or feel full of energy.

We set extraordinary goals with big expectations at the beginning of the year with absolutely no room for error and then beat ourselves up when we're not achieving them.

Maybe you've done this with a new diet plan.  

Diets are set up for the quick fix not for long-term success.  They're set up to create maximum weight loss within the shortest period of time so it's not possible to achieve long-term success.

What if you were to adopt a lifestyle and way of eating that allows for more gradual change, that's sustainable, where you can celebrate small successes and where you can achieve your goals long-term?

It doesn't mean you're going to lose weight every week but it does mean you're adopting a lifestyle that makes you happy which means you're motivated which means you're more likely to succeed and not be a slave to the scales.

So let's see, what could you do..

1. What about making a loose weekly plan of your meals and then choosing a couple of them to include your favourite foods, maybe chips or dessert.

2. Maybe when you slip up ( 'cos you will 'cos you're human), you don't judge yourself  ( you know when you go all judgey on yourself and convince yourself you're hopeless and it's hopeless..you've failed again, you're never gonna achieve your goal etc. etc. Stop, remove the judgement!) and go on with your weekly plan.

3. Maybe you could note some times in the week which might be more tricky for you and be prepared.

4. And remember the importance of fun and connection, not just with yourself but with friends too.

What do you think?
Does this resonate?
I recently started working with a client who messaged me the next day.  This is what she had to say..

"Hi Sophie.
I wanted to say thank you for my session with you yesterday - it was really helpful to me and I felt so much better as I drove home! I was still a bit tearful .....and actually, I am a little near the surface today also. 
I do feel as if I have embarked on my journey, and I am excited to see where it will take me.....thank you for helping me to clarify some things in my head. 
Food wise - I am going to try to have less dairy, and I have upped my water intake today. I had to eat this morning though,  as I went to the gym at 6am and needed sustenance when I arrived at work! 
After today I will try the 16/8.
I felt so much better emotionally yesterday..
Anyway, thanks again. Looking forward to my next session." 

Can you tell by the tone how kind she is being to herself?   She's not beating herself up.  She's figuring out the best steps to take in a way that works for her. That's how it should be.  No rigid protocols for long-term success.

Lots of love

Sophie xx