Top Tips to create REALLY successful healthy eating habits

Wow!   What a storm blowing outside on the back of a detoxifying Full Moon.

I'm just about to move house so this is really the time when I could get tested around healthy eating habits.  What's your trigger?

With the Full Moon behind us, it might be easier now but I have to admit I lost my way a bit over the weekend when it struck.  No beating myself up just recognising where I'm at, what I need to put in place this week and the coming weekend.  

The full moon has a tidal effect on anything fluid (yes, that's us) which means MOVEMENT and when I write movement, I mean strong movement inside and outside our cells.

This is fine if we're detoxed and in balance.  If not, then it can be so uncomfortable as to trigger food cravings to try to feel better - the quintessential quick fix!!  So you may find your food cravings are a bit stronger at this time of the month.  Couple that with menstruation and a bit of stress - well..I say no more.

So what's the story with you?  How are you navigating these natural cycles?  How was your weekend?

This isn't a time to get frustrated.  

The Full moon is the perfect opportunity to reveal to us where we're at health-wise, toxicity-wise, stress-wise, balance-wise.  It's a great time to evaluate and then put some steps in place.

Week after week, I fill these emails to the brim with top tips you can try - all of them, some of them, maybe none of them right now and that's just fine.  

Stick with me and gradually your head will turn, gradually you'll start to get the feeling I'm onto something.  

I'm not in it for the quick fix.  I'm in it FOR LIFE - nothing less than that which means you'll slip up sometimes, you'll have good weeks some weeks, not so good weeks other weeks but in the great scheme of things you're moving forward gently gently gently towards your dream goal.

What is that by the way?

My goal is to have so much energy I literally jump out of bed each morning and welcome the day.  I tell a lie, jumping out of bed in the morning actually isn't my thing and never will be.  I'm a kinda slowly does it kinda girl with 2x meditations to get me going and probably some Abraham Hicks on youtube too ( Law of Attraction).

But I'm not lying about the energy.  

I love feeling on top of the world and that's my motivator!!

Ok so I promised you more top tips for creating really successful eating habits and by the way if you want to WATCH me talk about it, head over to my facebook page and watch my facebook live I did last week on preventing and managing food cravings because let's face it, without those, it's not difficult to eat well.   Click on this link to view.

So to create really successful eating habits, try these top tips:

1.  PLAN, PLAN, PLAN.  I know I may sound boring but I promise you, it's a game-changer!  A loose weekly meal plan will do just fine.

2.  Make sure you choose 2-3 healthy meals a day that are really satisfying, that you really look forward to and try to make them 50% veg, 25% protein and 25% carb.  If you're peri-menopausal or menopausal, it really helps to make sure you have enough protein but actually it helps everyone to avoid craving snacks at tea-time or when you just get home from work.

3.  You're more likely to crave something when your blood sugar drops.  This is a particularly vulnerable time.  Your blood sugar drops when you're dehydrated so always keep a bottle of water with you.  We usually mistake thirst for hunger unless we're not eating proper meals of course, in which case it might be both.

4.  Try to leave 4 hrs between meals and simply hydrate in between or have a veg/fruit snack, that way the body can cleanse in between meal times.  If you're eating every 2 hrs, you won't be cleansing properly and this will affect your blood sugar long-term.

To manage food cravings when they strike:

1.  Try drinking a glass of water.  Hydrating can raise your blood sugar on it's own without food if you catch it in time.

2.  Distract yourself with a task, errand, walk around the block, call a friend or other self-care activity.  Maybe you're bored, tired, sad, lonely - allow yourself to acknowledge how you feel and then make a positive decision based on your wise inner coach not your inner critic.

3.  Wait 15 minutes and if you're still wanting it, enjoy it mindfully.

Introducing new healthier habits takes time and effort but each week you do it will make you more likely to succeed long-term.  It's not about missing out, it's about creating a weekly plan that includes your favourite foods and snacks within a wireframe that is set up for success.

Need help to get the ball rolling?  Contact me here.

p.s. I can't tell you everything about everything here or I'd be writing forever (exaggeration but you know what I mean), if something I've written has peeked your interest, schedule a call right here.  I would hate for you to miss out on some valuable info which could really help you.

Sending you loads of love and good vibes,Know you can get where you want to be whether that's feeling vibrant, strong and healthy or clear-minded, determined and focused, You can do it!