How to manage food cravings and self-sabotage

How are you?  

How are you getting on as we get into 2020?  Are you reaching your goals?  Indeed have you set any or are you wanting to get a feel for this year first and what's most important?

I hear you.  There's been many a time when I just want the year to unfold a little first before I leap in with loads of plans and ideas.  But this year I'm continuing last year's deep dive into food cravings and self-sabotage.Many of you have written to me about your concerns with these and it's companion, over-eating so here goes..

Last week, I opened up to you about my lifelong sweet tooth so you're really not alone here.  It takes loving, concerted daily effort to attend to my needs in a way that does not involve the biscuit tin.  

Of course, some days are amazing, I don't even think about it, not so all the time though.

Maybe you're struggling with weight problems or you feel lethargic, more prone to outbreaks or suffer frequent colds and allergies.  This was definitely something I could struggle with so it was important to me to address it.

Now how do I simplify this topic and give you tips to get started because the reality is we are all different with our own set of triggers?  Well there is a common denominator - we ALL have thoughts and they trigger feelings which trigger behaviour so we can start here.   

I have 3 suggestions to get you on your way to feeling energised, healthy and back in control..

1.  Be aware of your thoughts.

How we feel comes from the thoughts we think and what we do and how we act comes from how we feel.  Can you be a bit kinder in the way you talk to yourself?  Can you put yourself first a bit more?

So this is my starting point with clients.  We get behind the thoughts that are driving your behaviours.  The patterns you've developed as a small child which might be running the show, running your life in fact, making you feel out of control and heading for the biscuit tin.In your sessions, we really delve deep to uncover these, where you get to become your own best friend - something you may have never felt before, instead of having this inner critic running the show making you feel worthless and useless leading to self-sabotage.

2.  Get into the habit of planning your meals for the week.  

It may sound boring but if you've got a framework, you're much more likely to stick to it and even if you don't, you're less likely to vere off track.  You might choose a different meal than planned or spontaneously go out for dinner but then you're back on track for the rest of the week.  

It doesn't become this thing where you break your 'diet' and de-rail completely saying to yourself well I failed so I might as well give up.  You've learned how to speak kindly to yourself in the first stage and this will stand you well to remove the self-flagellation judgement bit and go straight to the learning.   You're in this for the long-term.  No quick fixes here which means mindful thoughts, planning and eating.  

You're not just 'doing another diet.'  

You realise it'll take time.  Some weeks you might lose weight or have more energy, another week there may be no change but you're not judging yourself or feeling low cos it's a long-term lifestyle change.  ( and if you're working with me or already aware, you're considering where you are in your cycle, what season it is, which phase of the moon cycle you're in, your blood group even..the list goes on). 

By planning and being in a routine, you can have strategies in place to deal with the times when you are most likely to have food cravings and self-sabotage.For eg; my clients often find when they get home they're hungry so there's lots of options.  

Planning your meals means you can choose options which are healthy but don't require much cooking time, for eg; a prawn stir-fry.  You could batch-cook the rice on Sunday so it just needs heating up then throw it in once you've cooked the veg and prawns which take a few minutes.  Or you could have a cup of home-made vegetable soup whilst preparing dinner.

3. Make a note of what you're eating over the week because often we think we're eating better than we are and this way we'll be able to keep tabs.  Also, if you're not getting the results you want, then you can see what changes you can make without getting emotional about it, instead speaking kindly to yourself, making observations and gently changing a few things, each time developing the best routine for you. 

Keep it simple and remember why you're doing all this  

Maybe you want more energy so you can have more fun with your kids.  Maybe you'd like to go for that career promotion or re-design your home.  

If you like what you're reading, you're ready for change and you'd like my knowledge, support and accountability for optimum results, then schedule a call

Sending big hugs 

Sophie xx