We are made up of both Masculine + Feminine. Are yours in balance?

Did you know our feminine and masculine aspects affect our behaviour (whether we are more on our masculine or feminine side) which can influence male and female hormone production?

Thanks to John Gray’s new book, Beyond Mars and Venus, the science is backing this up. And there’s lots we can do.

Whohoo! From someone who’s full-on in pre-menopause and wants the best intimate relationship, I couldn’t ask for more right now. Is this you?

Maybe you’re struggling with PMT, irregular periods and moodiness ( men and women)?
Maybe your peri-menopause is just getting worse and worse. Useful to know you could be suppressing your female hormones by your behaviour right!

Click here to watch a full explanation.

And did you know that where symptoms manifest tells us a lot about which aspect is out of balance?

This is what I love about Holistic health. Nothing is random. Everything is a clue, a signal, an invitation to get clearer about what's happening with our health. And our body never lies so whilst our mind might be making up all sorts of stories which suggest we're fine, our body tells us the truth.

Here's a quick description to give you a taster:

Our left side relates to the female and the unconscious
Our right side relates to the male and the conscious

Either of these aspects, the masculine and feminine, could be playing a dominant or submissive role in your life. We can discover which by looking at your past experiences and present struggles.

Perhaps you'd like to picture what your inner masculine and feminine look like right now. Does he and she look vital and strong or are they weak and fragile or maybe you can't see them at all?

A few years ago I did exactly this with my therapist and was blown away when my discombobulated masculine looked like 'Golom' out of 'Lord of the Rings,' all grey, withered and skeletal like.
It was alarming to see him like that but he gave me an excellent insight into the state of my masculine. He was heavily suppressed which explained why there were some dominant males in my life and why I'd been struggling to take decisive action. ( the masculine is a doing energy, the feminine is a creative, being energy)

Watch my video to find out what happened next when I tuned in and what he looks like now.

Discover what behaviours occur when women are too far on their masculine side and men are too far on their female side, what it does to your hormones ( John Gray*) and how it affects your relationships and what you can do.

So are you ready to improve your mood, smooth out the ruffles in your relationship, feel more in tune and bring out your best self?

It's all possible here. Get in touch and let's see if we're a good fit to work together.

Our differences and potential imbalances really affect our relationships so if you're in that phase where nothing your partner ever does is right and you're arguing about who's doing what, I encourage you to watch this video AND get in touch for a complimentary chat. I may be able to help you with on-the-spot advice or invite you to work with me.

Follow John Gray* (who wrote Men are from Mars, women are from Venus) too because he's a force to be reckoned with when it comes to understanding men and women.

And find out why celebrity Trinny Woodall's comment about menopause really annoyed me from someone who's crazy keen to support women on their menopausal journey in THE RIGHT WAY!

Sophie xox

Photo by Poppie Pack on Unsplash