Find out why we need to drink even more water..

Did you know we need to drink even more water than ever?

I know.  You're probably shaking your head as you read this.  More than 2L a day.  Yep probably!
Disclaimer: this is general advice.  Please don't drink more than 1L in 1hr.

Of course, I can't speak for everyone.  I don't know what your diet and lifestyle is like, how much exercise you do, how stressed you are, but what I do know is this..

1.  We are living in the most stressful time ever. 
A world that is changing rapidly in terms of technology, modernisation and stress which has a dehydrating effect - the 1st stage in any dis-ease process.

2.  There is natural change occurring in the Universe.
Simply put, our Solar System has periods of 'darkness' (Galactic night) and periods of 'light' ( photon belt).  We spend 2,000 yrs in the photon belt and 11,000 yrs in Galactic night.
The Photon belt equates to a massive shedding of light which raises the earth's vibration and because we are part of the earth, our vibration rises too.  

Only, if we're sick, if we're dehydrated and toxic, this is a very, very uncomfortable process (dis-ease) BUT leads to a huge acceleration in our evolution - our 'enlightenment,' if you will.  

During the process, in regards to human behaviour, you will see pockets of 'darkness' - an accentuation of horrible things happening but hopefully, the majority of us are 'light workers' and will do the inner work, the self-care and helping others by sharing our gifts and derive huge benefit from our experience on earth at this time though it won't be a particularly easy journey.

Are you finding this?  I promise you are not alone.  Do seek out support should you need it.

And drinking enough water will help this process tremendously as well as my usual dietary tips around swollen foods.

Check out my video here and hear all about why traditional communities who live close to the earth for eg; Aborigines, require so much less water than those of us living in the modern day world.

I also touch on the effect of hormonal change on our fluids.  How we need so much more during adolescence, pregnancy and menopause.

Enjoy and as usual get in touch if you have questions.