Why you should put the Full Moon in your diary plus it's Hayfever season

Do you sleep badly around the Full Moon or get massive food or drink cravings around this time?  Or do you get quite irritable and hangry with achy muscles and joints.  

Maybe you even find you get break-outs or a worsening of your pre-menstrual or menopausal symptoms?

I've noticed I have a dry mouth despite drinking a lot of water and this can be a sign your system is working over-time to detoxify and the speed at which the toxins are coming out of the cells is requiring super hydration not just through drink but also through my food choices.

It's the Full Moon on Thursday so I wanted to share this recorded facebook live from the last Full Moon so you can really appreciate it's effect up to 3 days before and 3 days afterwards and maybe have a go at preparing your body with a mini detox.

Check out my views on Water fasts too prompted by my middle son Seb's decision to do one last time.  You can hear my opinion in this video.  Please don't do one unless under supervision by the way.

 It's also Hayfever season, an absolute misery for some and something I suffered with terribly as a teenager but once I enrolled in my nutritional training, I quickly understood why I had it and what I could do about it.  The only time I sneeze now is if I'm run-down and it's momentary. 

If you're struggling with allergies and food intolerances, why not consider my
Food Intolerance package which gives you everything you need to start healing the gut and re-balancing your system.

I started working in the field of allergies and intolerance 30 years ago combining testing with Nutritional Therapy because actually we need to get to the root of the problem.  Allergies only occur in a toxic, congested system.  When we change the internal conditions, they often disappear and you can have a varied diet again.

 "I recently had a food allergy test done by Sophie..This test has been very beneficial for me personally and I've altered my diet accordingly. Sophie's knowledge on nutrition is outstanding and the amount of feedback she offers is very informative and helpful - if you read this then I strongly suggest you book a session and find out how you can better your own health with instant results provided on the day - personally I will be booking another session to see how I've made improvements. This is a test I HIGHLY recommend to everyone who has a vested interest in their health and wellbeing. What a joy to discover Sophie and her down-to-earth and liberating approach to nutrition and healing. After years of being told to restrict one's diet for good health in one way or another, it was incredible to be given permission to embrace one's intuition and allow balance in tune with one's mind, body and soul. Phew. I came back to life again. With much gratitude and love."  EMMA

 Interested?  Find out more here.

p.s. Due to the lockdown, you will be able to do the first session of the package online followed by the testing once face-to-face appointments can be reinstated.