How to avoid osteoporosis with the menopause

Do you ever worry about thinning bones? We're told to take HRT to stop this but what if I told you that just because you've stopped ovulating doesn't mean you haven't got any oestrogen in your body.

Recently it was World Osteoporosis Day which prompted me to address it as a cause of worry for post menopause. Our fear tends to come from the concern that lack of oestrogen will cause thinning bones.

What we must remember with the menopause is that we still produce oestrogen from our other endocrine glands so just because we're no longer ovulating isn't a reason to worry.

Menopause is normal. Our hormone picture is simply reverting to pre-adolescence.
But our unpleasant symptoms come about from imbalance which had built up and needs to be understood and addressed.

But what can cause osteoporosis is ACIDITY.

It is important to have the correct acid/alkaline balance in the body and the first thing that causes acidity is dehydration which is why I babble on about drinking water every 5 mins, well not quite but you know what I mean!!

2L a day, never more than 1L an hour of course.

So this is what happens in osteoporosis:

1. You become dehydrated.
2. This makes you acidic

3. The blood must remain 7.34ph AT ALL TIMES and at the cost of other systems in the body if necessary.

And for some of us, this means we will leach calcium out of the bones to buffer the acidity in the blood. In other words, to keep it at 7.34ph.
BUT the calcium doesn't get put back so after a while your bones can start to thin.
AND EVEN WORSE, the calcium gets dumped elsewhere.
Where it gets dumped is unique to you and your family history, whether that's part of cysts and fibroids or around the joints (arthritis) or as plaques in the arteries or brain for eg.

This is why I go on about HYDRATION not just through drinking water but through food too.
In 121 sessions, I explain ALL of your symptoms and how you can re-balance, feeling vibrant, healthy and strong once again.
Find out more about how I can help here.