Tackle how you feel before trying to change your diet

Don’t you just love this photo?

One of the things I feel is the most powerful thing I’ve been able to give my children is allowing them to feel. To let them cry or feel angry without rushing to fix it for them or to scold them for having those feelings.
But I’ve only been able to do this because of the daily work I do and have done to honour my own feelings.  
You can’t hold this space for your kids if you don’t allow this for yourself.

Do you struggle to make room for your feelings?  
Do you tell yourself to get a grip and pull yourself together?

We worry that allowing our kids to feel and not telling them to pull themselves together is indulging them. They’ll be spoilt and maybe take advantage of us in some way. But I’ve found the opposite to be true. I’ve found that by honouring my kids feelings, they’ve felt respected and accepted. They’re allowed to be themselves. 

But I know that it requires daily practice on my part to honour how I feel especially when difficult emotions arise such as fear.  
This is inner child work. Validating our small selves.

This work is important.  
It’s validating and it lays the foundation for a healthy relationship with yourself which means you’re more likely to adopt healthy habits AND have healthy relationships with others.

I don’t just help you improve your diet. I help you to unearth anything that’s holding you back and give you the tools to create a more loving relationship with yourself. 

Curious? Schedule a call or send me a message by clicking here.