Why orgasms are Nature's bounty whether you're single or in a relationship

Do you struggle to make time for orgasms or have you given up on them completely?

I understand!!

There are times when I just don’t feel anything and it’s these times when I know there are physical and emotional reasons for it. Perhaps my hormone levels are different that month or I’m highly stressed and disconnected from myself.

But orgasms are Nature’s gift. They're really really important for your health and you don’t have to be in a relationship to enjoy them BUT you do have to care about yourself and want to re-connect.

Orgasms will show you where you’re at emotionally so don’t be surprised if you experience an emotional release and not just a physical one. This is a good thing. It connects you to you which leads me onto the other reasons why you should have them.

Why they’re beneficial

  1. They’re deeply relaxing for the whole of the body

  2. You have to connect with your inner self and put yourself first

  3. They show you where you’re at emotionally

  4. They release serotonin ( yep - the feel good stuff!)

  5. They release prolactin (lovely and calming)

    So say you’re reading this and thinking well you can forget it, I haven’t had the sensation in so long, I’m just not interested, I can’t be bothered. Well I wonder what other parts of your life have been forsaken too?

    Life is about being connected to us, first and foremost and we’re going to have far better relationships with others if we’re well connected to ourselves first.

    How to get in the mood

Here’s how I get in the mood and I’ve discovered this totally accidentally by the way.

Some mornings I’ll wake up and feel a strong need to stretch out my body so I’ll get down on the floor and do some yoga poses. And just by starting to circle my hips and stretch out but particularly by moving in a flowing way in circles and up and down helps me to connect to my body and improve circulation in the pelvic area which can then stimulate that area to have sensation.

Why not try it and see how you feel?

We deserve to feel good and this is a gift if we can allow ourselves to be intimate for a short time. Often with the physical release comes emotional release in the form of tears (particularly if we’ve felt really disconnected from ourselves and our needs or maybe if we’re grieving the loss of a relationship).

With this release comes peace and a deep sense of relaxation.

Always my work is about re-connecting you with you because it’s from that place, we can live an inspired, creative, fulfilled life.

But by the same token, I don't want you to feel broken if you're not having this experience or don't want it.  This email is for those who do. xx

p.s. Lisa Lister is author to great books like Love Your Lady Landscape and Code Red if I've peaked your interest.