How to feel differently about hormonal change

A couple of years ago aged 47, I began to feel differently. Not only had I started to get debilitating migraines but I felt anxious at times unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. I'd certainly had enough stress in my past to warrant feeling anxious but remarkably I never felt like this. 

I dug deep and with careful attention to my emotions, diet and lifestyle I began to feel so much better.

It triggered me to get on a mission to start empowering women that perimenopause and menopause doesn't have to be a rollercoaster of horrible symptoms and angst.

I likened it to when you have a baby. You focus on having a healthy pregnancy, you read up on what to expect with the birth then this little being appears and you've got him or her 24/7.

Nobody tells you how hard it's going to be. You're totally in the dark!!

It's the same with peri-menopause. It lands on your doorstep one day and because it's unique to everyone, you might not get the typical well-known symptoms like hot flushes, weight gain and brain fog.

So for some time, you don't even consider that changes are afoot but maybe you feel a bit more emotional, a bit more overwhelmed, maybe more prone to mood swings or maybe you've lost your mojo and loved ones are making a few comments.

If this is you, I've created the perfect package which doesn't require pills, patches or medication. 

It's a 3 month, 12 week 1:1 course designed to take you from feeling overwhelmed to feeling vibrant, strong and motivated.

If you're interested, get in touch or click here to learn more.
I promise you, you won't be disappointed.
I've spent over half my life training and working in holistic therapies because I know your body never works against you and with proper understanding, you can achieve lifelong good health.