How to get 12 healthy days to Christmas🎄

How are you doing?

We're deep into the darkest depths of Winter here with the shortest day of the year speeding towards us AND we've got all these festivities to embrace.

Sooooo I thought I'd do you a favour and create a 12 healthy days to Christmas calendar which you can print and stick on your fridge.

I hope you enjoy it.

I hope it doesn't stress you out.

If you can build on each day's healthy habit without losing the previous ones, that would be amazing.

It's worth it to avoid the dreaded colds and flu in the New Year and why wait till then to create healthy habits.

Why not enjoy some good food and wine AND take care of yourself with healthy habits too.

It's all about balance at the end of the day.

But whatever happens, if you don't achieve this elusive thing called balance please don't beat yourself up.

I gave myself a hell of a time last week when I succumbed to not only a cold and cough but a temperature, headache and total 'deadness' if that's even a word!!!

But you know what's remarkable, I got to the end of the 4th day and all of my symptoms went away.

I felt so clear-headed ( the benefit of a massive detox, albeit an enforced one). I felt such compassion and self-love and gratitude for my body's ability to heat up and make it totally unbearable for the virus to survive and so bring me back to balance.It was a total reset and I feel utterly grateful for the clarity it's given me around self-care, habits I need to change and the futility of beating myself up for not being perfectly amazingly healthy ALL of the time.

Does this happen to you?

This beating yourself up.

Isn't it the worst?

Now if you're interested in understanding more about how your body fights dis-ease, how it actually uses viruses and bacteria to reset itself ( I know!! A very different concept to the medical model), what the difference is between acute and chronic dis-ease and which one indicates more of a problem then get in touch and let's schedule some 1:1 time.

For me it is so important to replace the outdated FEAR model around dis-ease and start understanding exactly what our symptoms mean and what our body is trying to do to restore equilibrium.

Then we can embrace tried and tested methods of healing such as fasting, juicing, epsom salts baths, hot and cold therapies and diet not forgetting the all-important mindfulness to work with our body instead of against it.

Excited? Get in contact here and let's get started or book a date for the New Year. I also offer a free 30 minute chat if you're keen to know more or in need of some on-the-spot advice.