How to embrace the Winter Solstice

I find this time of year, one or more of my healthy habits goes out of the window.  This time it's my twice weekly jogs.

How are you faring? 

After getting ill a couple of weeks ago and still feeling the catarrh in my throat, I have tackled one of my more unhealthy habits which is sweet treats in the evenings.

I'm not one for just 2 squares of dark chocolate like some of  you more disciplined folk.  When the taste of chocolate hits my lips well ðŸ’‹ 🤗 🤪.. maybe some of you know what I mean!!  

More about cravings and self-sabotage in the New Year...

But today I want to talk about the Winter Solstice on the 22nd December.

Similar to the Equinox but not quite as powerful, it's placement in the calendar right before Christmas can cause a real clash between our desire to celebrate with rich food and wine and our body's desire to cleanse in response to the upsurge this natural cycle evokes.

Uh-oh, trouble can be afoot as our body desperately tries to slough off our toxic load in the middle of the cold dark days and lack of light.  

Our bodies are a bit like solar-powered car batteries ( Lieberman) so you can imagine how hard it is.  

But all is not lost..

It represents the shortest day of the year so it's going to be getting lighter again who-hoo!!

Plus Awareness is key.  

Knowing what's happening can place us ahead of the game.  

We can put some healthful practices in place to navigate this crucial time because if we don't, if we ignore it completely ( you don't have to be perfect by the way), then I'm afraid, Ladies & Gentleman, the New Year might not look so bright for many.  

It's why we tend to get the dreaded colds, coughs, flu and bronchitis etc. in the New Year.

So what can you do?

Yes I repeat myself a lot but the simplest methods are always the best.

1. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

2. Fill yourself with the rainbow veggies ( as sides, soups, stews, curries etc.)  

3. Watch the alcohol and rich food if you can

When you do have these foods, certainly don't give yourself a hard time.  Enjoy them!  But everything in balance of course.

4. It might be helpful to have a pot of Vitamin C and probiotics to hand but really during any natural cyclic event like the Solstice, it's energy is powerful enough to warrant the adage, 'less is more.'  In other words, just work with diet and natural cleansing techniques like hot and cold, epsom salts baths etc. 

Practice whatever methods you have that help you keep calm and carry on like meditation and yoga too.

This will be my last email over Christmas and come New Year week I will shed some light into cravings - why we get them and what we can do about it as well as my favourite topic at the moment: Self-sabotage.  I've got some great insights and tips to share with you.

Lastly, I just had to share last night's dinner with you as it tasted so good.  See below.

Wishing you a healthful and blessed Christmas and a magical New Year.

With love

Sophie xx