How to cope with self-doubt as the year ends and a new one begins

I woke up the other morning stuck in regret looking at the past year fixated on what I haven’t achieved not what I have.  I felt terrible 😔.

Do you have mornings like this?

The end of December can be pretty unsettling as the new year looms and we look back at the past year.  
I question what I could have done better..what hasn’t gone to plan etc.

At my lowest point in this kind of mood, I can feel quite hopeless and completely stuck in fact.  

Then I talk gently to myself:

" Hang on, am I gonna let this get the better of me?  I recognise this negative self-talk.  There's something I need to learn here and if I get it, I know I'll feel better, stronger, centred and more in control."

When I feel like this I’m usually on the pinnacle of something - the bedding in of an old lesson and I find it absolutely crucial to pay attention and be kind to myself in the process.

Then step by step I build very very gently the momentum I need to feel differently and potentially get what I do want not what I don’t want.  

It can be extraordinary to not indulge the emotion but observe kindly without judgement.

I'll still experience thoughts of what’s gone wrong or hasn’t happened and what I don’t want but gradually I see the light and let go more and more and move closer to my goal of feeling centered and grounded.

This is what I do in a step-by-step process:

  1.  I recognise my negative thoughts and know I want to feel differently

  2. I stop and focus on my breath

  3. If it’s first thing in the morning ( which typically it is) I’ll go straight into my daily meditation

  4. I switch on an uplifting message which helps me get back into acceptance, belief and appreciation. ( Usually Abraham Hicks on Youtube)

  5. I start to remember some positive things and feel more grounded and choose the next thing I do to be positive.

It takes practice to watch your thoughts and feelings, to watch your triggers and then put the right steps in place but when you do, you can feel completely back in control, strong and energised again.

Are you reminiscing over the past year?  

Maybe you're feeling quite reflective in a non-judgemental way or are you struggling like I was?

If it's the latter, could you take one step right now today to change the way you feel?

If you’re lonely, could you contact some friends and arrange to meet up?
If you’re stiff and tired, could you do some yoga poses or book a PT session?
Or feeling sluggish and out-of-sorts?  Could you spend some time in Nature - a walk in the woods or a dip in the sea?
Are you feeling headachey and nauseous?  Could you make a fresh carrot, celery and kale juice and commit to drinking more water?

Health combines emotional and physical self care.  It’s got to!  You can’t split them up.  Take care of your thoughts, you take care of your feelings.  Take care of your feelings, you can control your actions and make healthy choices = healthy mind=healthy body. 😀 

And don't be afraid to call on support.  After this episode I was in touch with an old friend who is an excellent Tarot guide.  
Coincidentally, she was free to see me in the afternoon.  She gave me absolute clarity and confirmation I needed about my recent lesson and how to stay on track. She's available for 1:1 appointments.   

Sometimes we need reassurance and remember I'm a phone-call away if you need my support too.