What you need to know about bad circulation

Do you have bad circulation?

Are you constantly rubbing your hands and toes to warm up even when inside? 

I’ve been reminded of this just this week as I’ve sat in a perfectly temperate room and constantly rubbed my extremities.

I can only put it down to my increase in gluten this week. For one reason or another in amidst creating some mostly gorgeous vegetarian dishes ( which you’ll see on my facebook page over the next few weeks), I’ve ended up having shop-bought bread on several occasions.

Now that’s not to say I’m ordinarily this sensitive but throw in a few other challenging foods ( crisps and some chocolate!!) plus other stresses of the mental kind and yes I am.

I am sensitive to ‘crap’ that is for sure. Some people will view this as a bain, I view it as a positive. It keeps me on track, taking care of myself.

I want and know what good health feels like - high energy, focus and enthusiasm and will always strive to attain this in a loving way.

Do you want this too? Then read on..

So what does GLUTEN do that is so terrible?

Well, firstly not ALL gluten is so terrible, for eg; freshly made organic wheat and spelt is certainly not as troublesome BUT ALL gluten has a pronounced dehydrating impact on our systems.

In our body, our fluid: solid ratio is 80:20 ( we mirror the planet) so anything that dehydrates us is a REALLY BIG deal.

Of course, a few slices of bread would not be such a problem if it wasn't for ALL the other dehydrating factors in our lives. Take tea and coffee for eg, or other stimulants like chocolate, sugar, alcohol and chemicals in our food and environment etc. Not forgetting our lifestyles - travelling in cars and planes, satellite dishes in space, EMF’s ( wifi etc.) and STRESS.

So when we feel the cold, it’s actually a sign that the core body temperature is low and this is a sign of inflammation. And put simply, inflammation is toxicity. 

This week I’ve had a lot more than I usually have and I can literally feel my core temperature drop when I have it. 

I’m not saying this is the only reason. I’ve pinpointed a few already.

We all have our own unique picture after all that leads to health issues but for me and for many others, cutting out gluten can be the difference between feeling the cold and not. 

The problem with gluten, particularly normal run-of-the-mill bread is that it triggers a series of reactions in the body: 

1. Dehydration ( regardless if you’re drinking loads of water) 

2. Toxicity 

3. Inflammation which is like an allergic reaction!!

Gluten is very very challenging. That’s what I mean by ‘allergic.’ If you’re familiar with the term ‘leaky gut’ - again, gluten is implicated as studies show how it flattens the villi which line our small intestine causing inflammation and ‘leakiness’ or porosity if you prefer. Then the partially digested protein ( in the grain) leaks into the bloodstream triggering an immune system reaction.

To start with you might notice the quality of your stools changes , maybe you feel more constipated or looser. Ultimately this impact on our hydration ( our colon is our water reservoir) can lead to low core body temperature synonymous often with viral activity. 

Now the problem is when the core body temperature drops, the liver can’t melt your fats properly.  Now there’s a big problem here because fats make up our cell membranes and if our cell membranes aren’t healthy, then our cells won’t be healthy either since its the doorman so to speak.

This is when thyroid dysfunction can kick in and if left unresolved, more permanent thyroid issues can take hold affecting our wellbeing in many ways.

If these symptoms ring a bell, why not try eliminating gluten and see how you feel. I do recommend avoidance for about 6 weeks if you can manage. And do contact me for recipe ideas and alternatives if you decide to have a go.

Book in for a Food Intolerance testing appointment if you’re not sure and would like confirmation and advice. It’s a simple, painless, non-invasive test with immediate results and comes with a booklet packed with advice to help you. Plus you’ll get a personalised assessment of your health and nutrition plan to help you feel strong, healthy and energised.

You can book in here.

