Want to be healthy, happy and inspired? Men, read on..

Please note:  Today it is important to me to reach out to men.   This information is relevant to all but I've written it with men in mind.  If you are a woman reading this and you think the men in your life may be interested, please share and read on.  Anyway, this message is for you too! X

 What I do is I use Nutrition, lifestyle and emotional therapies to transform your health for life.  Sounds dramatic but I don't want to give you a quick fix. I want to journey with you to the core of your being where the pain lives AND the joy.  

The difficulties of life can cause us to bury our true selves in order to survive.  This starts in childhood.  The process of unravelling the core is not the easiest but it is the most rewarding.  You will see relationships transform, careers blossom and health magnify.  

Whatever you are searching for becomes a reality when you commit to the work on an emotional and physical level with a set time commitment (hence my packages). 

 This is the process.   I email you a questionnaire and then we do 121 online sessions either 1 a week or 2x a month as you wish.

 We look at everything- your family history, your life growing up and to the present, your diet, your lifestyle, your stress.. 

 All you do is show up and be open and access any stuff holding you back with my expert guidance of course.  It has the most amazing effect on your health, your relationships..whatever it is that you feel you want to be better or different. 

 Don't think you're too much for me, that you've had depression too long or live with chronic pain.  Nothing scares me. I’ve worked in this arena nearly 30 years though more deeply with trauma in the last three as I’ve realised the perfect diet does nothing in a stressed traumatised body. 

 The process by which you release trauma is not difficult.  Simple acknowledgement is often enough.  I hold space to allow it and invite you through questions and sometimes focusing on breath and guided visualisation to come to a place of peace with it.

I would be honoured to hold the space for you and help you discover the most simple loving tools to navigate your way in this life in a way that helps you release trapped emotion and love yourself-give yourself what you need instead of looking outside yourself. 

What’s brilliant about coaching is it allows you to come up with your own solutions with the therapist offering dietary and other expertise when necessary and when you don’t know and it allows you to be with your emotions and understand why you feel the way do and there’s such release in that. 

 And in that release, the self-love, joy and peace you feel is a beautiful thing. You may have tricky moments going forward but when you understand what’s going on and you have the tools then it doesn’t paralyse you when it hits. 

I wouldn’t ever make you do or be something you’re not. It’s not about that. It’s about accepting you for you, loving you as you, honouring yourself and allowing your true self to shine. 

It’s a beautiful thing and it’s energising and uplifting too. You discover your purpose and everything so it’s a joy to wake up in the morning knowing you’re taking care of you and being a gift to the world.

After all, our purpose ultimately is to serve and make the world a better place.  We can't do that when we're in 'pain' - neglecting ourselves, eating junk, suffering with our health, over-working etc.

You need to be selfish in this because otherwise you can’t ultimately be the amazing human you want to be changing other people’s lives for the better in whatever way that is depending on your God given gifts maybe just by your joyful presence for eg. 

If something triggers you (evokes uncomfortable emotions like anger, fear, jealousy..) like a person, a film or a chance encounter or some situation of some kind, it’s an opportunity for closer inspection, for inner exploration, for inner healing. And doing this with a mentor can make the journey that much easier and possible.

You deserve to be happy, healthy and inspired. 

My background is totally holistic. Nutritional therapy with a background in naturopathy and Traditional Chinese medicine, extra mural studies in psychology, life coaching, reiki and 30 years of Spiritual self development and empowerment courses.

 Want to know more?  Schedule a call here.


Sophie xox

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash