How do I get rid of my food issues?

Do you find yourself snacking after dinner despite being full? 

Are you spending a lot of your waking day thinking about food? 

Have you lost your mojo and want to sit on the sofa a lot with a cup of tea and treats? 

Do you find yourself thinking about what you can have for dessert before you’ve finished your dinner?

I felt like this last week and it was only after a few days I suddenly realised what it was.  

 My over-eating, comfort eating, snacking after dinner wasn’t poor willpower, lack of discipline, laziness, badness and all those other crushing criticisms we fill ourselves up with in those moments.  It was cold, brutal FEAR.  

 I will explain but right now it’s time to put the SHAME around our behaviour with food in the cupboard.

 So back in 2018, I made a decision I wanted to be the best I could be.

 Not a small request to be adequate or ok, no, a big request, the BEST I could be!! No pressure then hey🤪.

 I wanted to make a real success of my business, helping people not only resolve their health issues and feel amazing but live their best life, their dream life, literally make their dreams come true.

 But when we step up and recently I’ve really stepped up.  When we declare what we want whether that’s a new career, a new relationship, better health…, when we make that DECLARATION of what we want, we’re also going to be shown EXACTLY what’s in our way.  

 So if anyone thinks you can declare something like that and it’s going to land like a platter of luxuries on your doorstep, you’ve got another thing coming.  

 That’s not to say it’s a terrible experience, it certainly isn’t.  

 Getting clear on what you want is a fantastic thing 

 I encourage it in bucket loads.  Ain’t no point in doing anything otherwise plus without it we often give up on our healthy regime.  Cleaning up your diet and doing exercise is great but with a life goal behind it, imagine how much more likely you'll stick at it long-term?  

 An even bigger question: What mark do you want to leave on the world?  Then imagine your dream life - what would be different?

 And it sends a clear message out into the universe.  Plus research has revealed your brain works like a GPS map, creating new neural pathways to get you to your goal.  Cool hey!  

 When you gain CLARITY, whatever is holding you back - how you view yourself, your thoughts, your belief systems, will come and bite you on the bum though.

 All your fears, all the aspects of yourself you view negatively like I’m not good enough, I’m not clever enough, I’m not deserving enough, whatever it is, will show up and because these thoughts are so strong ( developed in childhood ), we can literally be side-swiped by them and this is all unconscious so the way we side-swipe them is to sabotage ourselves with unhealthy behaviours and guess what one of mine is? 

Yes you guessed it, CHOCOLATE and anything sweet and in fact any treaty snacks at times so in a nutshell - OVEREATING/COMFORT EATING/EMOTIONAL EATING.  

How we identify over-eating?  
It’s when we eat past the stage of feeling full.  It’s when we keep searching in the cupboards after we’ve had a substantial meal for something to fill our ‘hole’ - our not good enough feeling, our fear etc.

So why was I comfort eating?  Well, like I said earlier, my healing work as a Nutritional Therapist is pivotal to transform people’s lives, to help people become the best they can be through emotional release, mindset change and dietary and lifestyle change.  

 I’ve worked in this industry for nearly 30 years.  My philosophy and approach have served me well.  I have hundreds of testimonials.  When I lived in London, I used to write in the health section of the Sunday Times.   BUT then I had a family and my work became lower on my list of priorities.  As the kids got older, I was able to focus on my dream to be the best I can be but it means something REALLY BIG.

 I have to let down my guardI have to be fully authentic.  I have to be fully visible and that’s scary and you know why, because visibility = vulnerability =  possible vitriol and attack and when I was a child it didn’t feel safe to be this.

I’m not blaming my parents. Everyone carries their own unconscious stuff but this is why we owe it to our children to heal our patterns and belief systems.  

 So my loves, here’s the billion-dollar question?  

 What are you holding back that wants to be birthed and you’re using food to stop it?

 What are you unconsciously trying to suppress?

 What are you trying to keep small so you don’t have to show up fully?

 And the 2nd question… What is the cost of not showing up, not fulfilling your potential, not stepping up?  

 What is the cost of not living your life to the full, being all you can be, not only for yourself but for the planet too? 

 Your gifts are what can transform this messed up world.  Your being fully alive and present is what can provide the solutions to our world’s pain not by external action ( that can come), by internal action.

 So, are you ready?  Are you ready to face up?  Are you ready to show the world your true colours - your true emboldened, bright, beautiful self?


 Then let’s do this, let’s do the work to break down those barriers, to get you to a place where you can feel amazing, breathe freely, sleep peacefully and know that you are a beautiful soul and you are capable of more than being in a place of low energy, stress, misery and lack.

 Get in touch here and let’s talk.

 Check out my facebook live all about this @myfullernutrition.

 Sending you huge ❤️

Sophie xox