Discover how you can build strong health foundations for life-long change

Do you long to feel comfortable in your own skin, to express yourself in an authentic way, to be yourself?  

Do you struggle to feel seen and heard in social situations?
Does it frustrate you that certain aspects of your life don't match your goals to be happy, healthy and confident?

 The work I do is not just about creating a healthy diet and lifestyle, it's about letting go of limiting beliefs we have about ourselves and developing a new, healthy mindset that enables us to create a truly amazing life.


Negative beliefs are developed in childhood unconsciously in response to the messages we received from others

This is not a blame game but the people who raised us carry their own view of the world based on their life experiences and this can cause them to respond to a child in a way that causes the child to suppress an essential part of themselves and adapt in order to get their needs met.

Invariably this means the child loses or rather buries an essential part of themselves, say for eg; their playfulness or their sensitivity.

We can then spend the rest of our lives trying to live in this adapted way but since the Universe is energy, you will draw to you, like a magnet, all the unresolved stuff within yourself through others, through situations, circumstances and life experiences which is always an opportunity to change and evolve.

So you can either lambast your misfortune when it happens or use it as an invitation to open yourself up to recalibrate and rebalance back to the truth of who you are.  From here, you can create your best life.  Remembering that dis-ease is the physical imbalance of suppressed emotion. ( this can be partly handed down through the generations also)

If you've never worked with me or even if you have and always wondered what the emotional side of the work I do is like, have a read of this recent testimonial and let it inform you.

When we are free of our emotional baggage, we feel lighter, freer and braver to express our true self which is a gift to the world and a gift to us.  It's from here we can create abundance in love, health, finances, relationships etc.

“Today I had the privilege of being held in a safe space by Sophie. She is masterful with the work and helped me engage with my most powerful ally; my visual inner eye. 

The experience was sometimes painful, and also beautiful - to let go and know that Sophie was there the whole time with nothing but pure unjudgemental compassion.  The only word I can use to describe that is; freedom 

I believe the way of the true warrior is to go inside one self, deep into the body and soul, and work with the experiences and traumas one may hold.  Often these are held for many years acting as an invisible rudder beneath the boat. 

In my life now I’ve done so much inner work because I know every time I do it I learn something new about myself, but importantly, also about others. 

I recognize I see the world through a lens created by my own limiting beliefs and experiences.  With Sophie today it felt so much easier to open the camera shutter and truly see more of the world, both inside and out.  That to me is incredibly exciting and a passion of mine. 

What I love about Sophie is that she has an incredible amount of experience at what she does and she doesn’t just talk the talk, she walks it (with a warrior stance!). 

Sophie naturally makes you feel safe, she is wonderful at listening and also at helping to act as your guide. She really is by your side. 

And if it’s a bit much? You can always have a break and have a glass of water and Sophie is there with a comforting smile and is kind. It’s actually very easy and you can go at your own pace. 

Today I brought my awareness to something I’ve been working on for a long time but she helped me really sharpen my focus and then make rapid transformation to what I felt inside. Literally what was a ball of red fire for me was with masterful alchemy changed into a beautiful purple ball of wisdom and healing.  This can be done because she gave me that space to simply surrender and trust. 

I highly recommend Sophie and have a huge amount of love for the work she does. If you are thinking about seeing her but unsure - please contact me personally, I am an open book and always happy to share.”

Philip Surry 

 Ready to get in touch with your inner warrior/ess and develop confidence, feel motivated and live an inspired life? Get in touch here to schedule a call.

Love and best wishes

Sophie xox