Summer 2020 - what has it meant for you?

I know in Guernsey, we are in a privileged position of having no Covid and none of the restrictions of most of the rest of the world.

I'm also grateful beyond belief that the weather since the start of lockdown has been extraordinary giving us the chance to revel in it's beauty despite this bizarre time in the world.

But maybe like me, there are or have been undercurrents in your personal or working life that have literally made you feel like you're in a washing machine being turned upside down, that have forced you to slow down or even stop to try to make sense of things.

If this is the case with you, then read on..

I know this is not an easy time.  

Just know you are not alone.  

Many are going through what feels like a particularly turbulent time in specific areas whether in relationship, finance, work/career or family.

I know here in Guernsey we are not being affected by Covid in the same way as our counterparts and I'm sure you like myself, feel gratitude every day for this beautiful island we live in but nevertheless, we are navigating the most unusual time certainly in my lifetime.

Like it or not, we are being called to clean up our vibration ( I know we appear solid but we are actually made up of billions and trillions of atoms, ie; energy) as our planet has moved into a new phase known as the photon belt (back in May).  

This is a major universal influence and if you're also interested in Astrology, you may know there is huge planetary upheaval due to the placement of the planets throughout 2020 particularly as regards Saturn and Pluto - the great awakener.

So the Photon belt is a massive shedding of light which occurs just twice in 26,000 years causing the planet to raise it's vibration and so we must too since we're part of it.  

This can be incredibly uncomfortable if we're in a dehydrated, toxic state, ignoring our needs and indulging in sabotaging behaviours.  You can liken it to a massive shaking up!!

If we can see our lives being turned upside down as an invitation for beneficial change then we'll navigate it much better but to do so we must let go of what no longer serves us - resolve our stuff from childhood, clean up our lifestyles and diet and so raise our vibration in unison with our beautiful planet.  


The benefit = more joy, more satisfaction, more contentment, more success.. so it is a positive invitation, I promise!

We have to clear out the dross - the negative thoughts and feelings and behaviours which no longer serve us - clear out that toxicity and what an amazing feeling that will be - the lightness, the clarity, the love that will exude from our hearts so if you've started, keep going.  If you haven't then now's the time.

I admit this is not a journey for the faint-hearted, but it is a powerful journey nonetheless and the rewards will far exceed the difficulty.

I speak from personal experience!

So what can you do?

1.  Keep excavating your heart, everything that no longer serves you.  It doesn’t require any dramatic external action.  It requires you to be honest with yourself, with your needs.  To get quiet and go within and truly ask yourself what do I need in this moment?  Keep connecting with your heart and if you can, keep inviting little you in and gradually you WILL see the wood for the trees, I promise.  
You WILL know what action to take I promise.  

Just don’t force it.

2.  Don’t let your thoughts become a washing machine in your mind.  STOP and centre yourself through grounding in nature, drinking plenty of water, eating short grain brown rice regularly (physically grounding), playing some music, chatting to a friend, doing a chakra meditation, sea-swimming.  


3. Make a list of everything that could help you and keep it close.  

This is your time 

4. Be fierce with your self-care, with your boundaries if it means you don’t lose yourself and get out of alignment.  And remember a time when you felt strong, independent and in control if that helps.

5.  See the world through fresh eyes - curious, childlike, completely unjudgemental especially removing self-judgement about ANYTHING.

6.  Allow yourself to feel into your feelings.  Watch when you go into your head and start efforting about how you’re going to move forward.  Don’t worry about it!  The answers will come spontaneously when you're not forcing them.  

7.  YOU WILL KNOW WHAT TO DO when you get quiet just don’t force it.  If necessary, sleep on it.  Even better, create a Universe's To-do list for big stuff like a new job, home, relationship etc. and observe what happens.


 8.  Detach yourself from anything or anyone who is not in alignment with you.  This doesn't mean unkindness.  In alignment you will feel so good, in love ( with life), peaceful, content, strong..follow that.

9.  Above all, allow time to just be - that’s the feminine, doing is the masculine.  There’s a time for doing and a time for being.


So as we approach the end of Summer, take full advantage of this holiday season ( I hope you've embraced the great weather and had fun)  to prepare for the coming months - for the Autumn Equinox on 22 September. ( More on that another time.)

Much love 

Sophie xox


p.s.  All my packages include this work I'm describing.  If you need help and like the idea of my 3-pronged approach which helps to release emotional baggage, develop a healthy mindset AND address nutrition and lifestyle then check them out here.