Top tips to navigate anxiety and overwhelm as we head into Autumn

Anxiety and the feeling of overwhelm has hit unprecedented levels and if you're in hormonal change such as peri-menopause or adolescence (pregnancy is also a time of hormonal change), you'd be forgiven for feeling more sensitive than most and needing to take more time out to recalibrate.

I'm not immune to anxious feelings either.  As I write this, the voice of fear lurks inside at the thought of you unsubscribing for filling up your inbox yet again!!!

But this is REALLY IMPORTANT seriously it is and I'm feeling a strong pull to let you know how you can help yourself at a tricky moment in the history books

I want you to know how you can navigate this time to make it just that little bit easier.

That despite chaos appearing to have full reign in our world right now, the time is to lean inwards, to search for that inner authority inside yourself and develop practices or daily rituals to help you do this.

This is the age of Aquarius not Pisces any longer. The latter was about external authority like following 'gurus' in our attempt to reach Nirvana.

Not anymore!

Now is the time to follow your own inner guru

your own inner wisdom but you can only do that from a place of quiet, calm and centeredness otherwise the whispers of your Soul, your intuition get drowned out by that other voice, your inner critic.  

Your inner critic wants to keep you safe I know but it's not very helpful when you're trying to grow and evolve into your most authentic best self whilst navigating the world's and your own curve-balls.

With this in mind I've added 2 videos:

As we head into the darker, colder seasons you might be feeling a bit edgy or nervous you could become ill and that's why I'm writing these emails and doing these videos to reassure you.  

Dis-ease including viral activity is never random.  It has to have exactly the right conditions to survive so let's become aware of them and make the necessary changes.  

Maybe you're not even anxious about Covid, maybe you're more stressed about the effect Covid is having on your life in other ways.  Whatever it is, stress is a big factor in worsening anxiety and feelings of overwhelm so here's some practical tips to follow but they don't work as a one-off.

If you like, choose 1 or more of them and repeat daily for at least 21 days to make them stick.

Finally, if you can stay curious and non-judgemental when it comes to your thoughts and feelings to prevent attaching to the stories in your head, it's easier to stay tuned into your inner wisdom and guidance or to notice when you are attaching to them, practice awareness and tune back in.

Don't know what the answer is sometimes?  That's ok.  Breathe.  The answer will come when you're least expecting it.

And if you need help reach out.

Big hug

Sophie xox