Last chance to work with the Autumn Equinox to create a powerful shift in your health

As promised I've attached a short video about the Autumn Equinox.
I wrote about it last week so you may be wondering why I'm dedicating another email to it.

It's because we are in the biggest planetary shake-up I've ever had the pleasure or pain to be a witness to and we can either bury our head in the sand and hope it goes away or take action in the direction of renewed self-care especially as we approach Autumn.

A great place to start is to recognise we are an inextricable and an important part of this universe and it's cycles and rhythms and if we're wise to it we can work with them to our advantage.

It is much harder to stay healthy in Autumn and Winter because

  • our lymph naturally thickens

  • we have less exposure to light

  • and we break more natural laws such as getting up before it's light and eating after dark.


Our bodies can navigate this if we give them the wherewithal

so my emphasis on healthy habits round about now is hotting up as we approach the Pisces Full Moon on 21st September and the Equinox on 22nd September.


It doesn't mean all is lost if you miss these pivotal points, it's just a bit harder and you might struggle with staying motivated and energised or worse, succumb to illness.  

When we work with seasonal shifts and moon phases, we gain extra momentum


It doesn't mean you have to be perfect but this is the time to be

  • drinking plenty of water

  • getting outside

and adding a few regular habits such as

  • skin-brushing,

  • hot and cold showering,

  • wim hof breathing

  • and juicing for eg.

But what it you're really fed up?  

Fed up of following diet protocols and still piling on the pounds, tired of always being the one that props everybody up except yourself, dreading the onset of cold weather and dark nights when you're already tired, miserable and overwhelmed.  

Perhaps now is the time to reach out and get support.

When you work with me I can promise you this:

1.  You will be given a completely personal service from start to finish 
2.  You won't be given endless to-do lists
3.  We'll get to the root of what's getting in your way of reaching your goals
4.  You will be fully supported via email, text & phone
5.  You will have the resources to launch you into a place where you feel self-esteem hits the roof AND create long-term sustainable healthy habits without an onerous diet plan.

Get in touch if you feel called to it.  

We can have a no obligation 30 minute free call

"Thank you so much for our sessions so far I just feel I've got someone/something that has got my back and I think it's me isn't it, it's the tools you are showing me helping me with, that it's me looking after myself and cheering me on. So I can't thank you enough for your guidance and support so far. " - Rachel


Instagram & Instagram stories

If you're keen to get great tips for recipes and healthy habits, follow me on instagram, especially instagram stories where I post regularly.  Here's some egs..