The Fuller way to health: A heart-warming success story

I wanted to share this beautiful testimonial with you because only someone who has been broken open by the vicissitudes of life who has the courage and fortitude to look at them for the healing gifts they offer can truly heal and move forward.

If this is you.  If you are ready to mine to the depths of your Soul, clear out everything that doesn’t serve you and invite in a most beautiful life then come.  Let me help you ⭐️

“I will never be able to thank Sophie enough for the difference she has made to my life.  From helping me to completely relieve myself of debilitating and frequent migraines to teaching me not only how to tune into and trust my intuition but also a whole wealth of techniques to soothe and nurture myself to feeling so much better on so many levels.

I am in absolute awe of the breadth and depth of Sophie’s knowledge as well as her incredibly compassionate yet straight talking manner of delivery in our sessions. Thank you Sophie from the bottom of my heart for being all-round amazing!

 I am just as grateful for your teaching me the migraine relief methods as I am for you opening my eyes to the more spiritual side of things.  I also absolutely love looking at what you are doing and saying on Instagram and can’t wait for my girls to get a bit older so that I can share some of my new little rituals and way of looking at things (all inspired by you) that are helping me so much 😊" - Charlotte  26.1.2022