Fed up of carrying extra weight?

I see excess weight differently to companies and organisations out there who want to put you on so-called 'miracle' diet plans.

I see weight as a buffer, as a protection between you and the world.  So why the judgement and self-abberation?  It's there for a reason.  It is there to protect you.  

You may not like it.  You may want to be free of it but remember these protection mechanisms, these patterns we create for ourselves are created in childhood not adulthood.  They are created when we don't have fully developed rational thinking yet. That comes with maturity.

As children we are dependent on adults for our very survival.  If something negative happens to us, we're not going to think rationally that it's not our fault.  We are going to blame ourselves and this is painful when we're dependent on others so what do we do?  

We create behaviours to protect ourselves, to feel better.  It might be to seek comfort in food, to cut ourselves off from others so build large walls to keep people out to not trust others or to people please and put others before ourselves exhausting ourselves and ending up needing energy from something else.  Maybe a chocolate bar for eg.

There's no criticism here.  I can be the worlds worst chocaholic at times.  That's my go to if I'm tired or stressed.  I love it!  I love the way it melts in my mouth, it's richness and decadent taste.  It's a drug after all, just like alcohol, cigarettes and coffee.  No other food or drink matches chocolate for me though.  It's almost orgasmic or like having the longest most beautiful hug or gazing at a sunset with the love of your life.

What does your habit give you?  One word of advice, please don't judge yourself.  Be curious.  There is a positive reason why you do it or you wouldn't do it.

So these habits need to be looked at without judgement, with curiosity and self-love and self-kindness and mining to the depths of what our needs are and how can we love ourselves that little bit more that we don't sabotage ourselves daily with unhealthy actions.  By choosing a different way and this takes time.  This takes small daily conscious steps.

Whatever behaviour we develop, we carry into adulthood often subconsciously or unconsciously and then wonder why we feel so lost or alone or unsupported or frustrated.

The work we do in session is to uncover this, to lay the foundation for healthy self-love and self-respect.  To offload those negative beliefs and create a healthy relationship with ourselves that will reverberate out into the world and help others.  But first we must help ourselves and from there clarity comes, clear boundaries are set and right action takes place, be that developing healthy eating habits or exercise for eg.

Change becomes much more effortless when we are in alignment with our true self when we're not sabotaging ourselves with conditioning from the past.

Ready to dive in?  Get in touch.  I'd love to hear from you.  What are your wishes and wants?  How do you want to feel?  Who do you want to become?  Weight loss may be part of that.  I get that.  Let's lay the right foundations rather than follow some onerous diet that makes you feel miserable.  Yes you will need discipline and willpower at times but that's so much easier when you actually like yourself and the life you're creating.

Want this?  Schedule a call with me and let's do this.

Can you imagine eating for pleasure or nourishment? Automatically reaching for fruit or healthy snacks because that’s what your body craves? Or waving away the dessert trolley because you've tamed your sweet tooth?

This isn’t a food fantasy, this could be your reality.

I know you’re a diet expert. You’ve counted the points, weighed the food and got the sl*mfast t-shirt. In fact with all your knowledge of superfoods, portion control and ‘good’ fats you could probably write the next healthy eating bestseller.


Let me share what I know (and I think you know too).   

Diets don’t work - and they’re no fun!  

Creating a joyful, healthy relationship with food doesn’t come from restricting your choices or denying pleasure. It comes from within. It comes from recognising what your body needs and understanding how your emotions drive what and when you eat.   

I know you’re ready to go beyond the dieting and confront the deeper reasons behind your exhausting struggle with food. It's time to break free of the eat-guilt-eat cycle and take better care of your body and mind. 

When you reprogram your mind, healthy food choices become automatic, natural and easy.

Balance Weight, Balance You is a personalised health, nutrition and mindset program to get to the root of your eating habits, rewire your thinking around food and build behaviours that transform the way you eat and live, for good. 

This package isn’t just another diet program. We don’t talk about carbs or calories, we talk about you. Because improving your relationship with food means improving your relationship with yourself.

What clients are saying:

"Before seeing Sophie I was tired, had low levels of motivation and energy and was unhappy with my weight. Now I’ve lost weight, got my energy levels back up and I feel more positive every day."


"I now understand more about how my body works. For me this is key to implementing and maintaining a healthy regime. I have ups & downs but I am working on my physical, mental & spiritual wellbeing."


"I’m drinking 2 litres of water a day, avoiding mindless binge eating and being kind and curious about the times I find myself turning to the treats. I feel 100% more confident in my own skin."


Schedule a call today!

Big hug

Sophie xox