Let's broaden the conversation in peri-menopause

I jumped on facebook earlier this week to invite you to work with me on your peri-menopausal journey.

When it comes to menopause, many approaches focus solely on introducing synthetic or bio-identical hormones into the body via tablet, pessary or patch to try to help balance them and reduce the unpleasant symptoms that can occur.

Whilst I'm not against this approach particularly now there are more natural forms of Hormone replacement therapy available, I feel passionately that we're not going deep enough if this is all we do.

In this video I explain the importance of what's happening beneath the hormones at the cellular level since this is where hormones are actually made.  I describe what needs to be in place to produce hormones in the first place and what can interfere with their production.  

I put the peri-menopausal phase of our lives into perspective with the rest of our life and how crucial it is that we honour what it's showing us now not only so we can navigate it's incredibly uncomfortable moments but to prepare us for the next phase in our 60's and beyond if we don't want to be beset with 'old age' health conditions.

I probably reach my peak excitement in this video when I start talking about DHEA ( the precursor hormone).  I know, I know.  You're thinking she really is a crazy bird but it's because my inherent belief is:
1. your body never works against you and
2. you are in control.

"What?"  I hear you saying.  Yes, you can actually suppress female hormone production (you still produce them in your other endocrine glands even when your ovaries stop) by your negative thoughts and beliefs (causes stress), by converting your precious DHEA into cortisol (stress hormone) instead of the others.

So hormone balance isn't just about eating right.  It's about thinking right and feeling right too.  In other words, facing what's stressing us head on.  

What excites me is that this DHEA can be converted into whatever you need so let's line you up to get more of what you need

And maybe that does mean seeing a professional if you're stuck in a rut.  What's wrong with that?  You treat yourself to a nice meal out with friends or a new outfit occasionally or a trip away maybe.  Why wouldn't you invest in your health too to ensure you're on track?  It's not forever.  You may only need to tweak some things in 1 session or maybe you need longer but it's never forever.

It's a life-long investment.  You cannot go wrong because you're investing in your longevity, in tapping into and connecting with your body's infinite wisdom.

Western medicine is only just beginning to realise the huge impact stress (negative thoughts and emotions) has on our lives.  Holistic paradigms have known for centuries that physical symptoms only show up as the result of prolonged emotional discord.  

Again I say to you, peri-menopause is a natural event.  It's uncomfortable because the hormonal shift stirs up the underlying picture of discord where feelings have been suppressed and we've responded to stress with repetitive unhealthy habits such as workaholism, people-pleasing, unhealthy food choices etc.

So if you're struggling, there is so much to help you in this video.  I'm going through it too and with my mental/emotional and nutritional approach I can help you see through the rollercoaster of emotions, angst, hot flushes and brain fog to feel like yourself again.  

You deserve to feel well.  To feel healthy, strong and vital.  To feel brave and in charge.

So much love 

Sophie xox