Have you succumbed to illness this week? Here's a head's up!

Are you one of many who have suffered with a viral episode this week?
Let me explain what's going on in the universe.
It's a double whammy as we shift over from Winter into Spring on Sunday's Spring Equinox and we have Virgo's Full Moon on Thursday (17th).

This is when we know we are inextricably tied to Nature's rhythms.  We are not separate to the Universe and the more we dance in tune to her rhythms the more we can feel life's vibrancy coursing through our veins

The Spring Equinox is the most powerful energetic shift of the year clearing us out in readiness for the Spring and Summer energy helping us to shift everything that doesn't serve us.

It can be uncomfortable and unpleasant as our bodies succumb to viral activity. Hence, I suspect, why Covid numbers have doubled recently.

However, I urge you.  Use these energies to help you.  Let them show you where you're at and then use my instructions in the video to optimise your system.  One small apology - I should have told you sooner.  These energies have been rising for the last 3 weeks!!  In fact the energy has been gradually rising since the December solstice on 21st.

Contrary to medical opinion*, naturopathic philosophy views viral activity as opportunistic in behaviour since it only survives in optimal conditions of low body Temperature, low oxygen, lack of light and low ph. 

How do these conditions arise you may well ask?

There could be many reasons.  Coming off the back of Winter it may be a lack of light, breaking natural laws such as getting up before it's light and eating after dark, more comfort eating, more caffeinated, diuretic drinks rather than water combined with a great deal of stress!!

*Whilst you may believe you've 'caught' the flu or covid, it's likely these viruses are already dormant sitting inside your cells. (Read more about the germ v. terrain theory with Pasteur v. Bechamp).  The latter explains the phenomenon of not everyone in the office gets a cold.  All that's needed is 'a perfect storm' within the cell's environment and hey presto, you develop symptoms.

This is not to minimise the severe discomfort and unpleasantness of viral activity.  Not at all, I've just had Covid which was highly unpleasant but ultimately resembled flu for me.

But at least you may be comforted in knowing that your body usually overcomes this viral activity and unless you are harbouring chronic toxins which could lead to post-viral fatigue and other complications, the body actually uses the viruses presence to cleanse.  This is why the old naturopaths called these acute conditions 'a healing crisis,'  in other words a way of clearing out your toxic load to rebalance your system for hopefully an energised Spring and Summer.  

Only as long as you don't continue any very detrimental habits to a large extent and are able to address your stress also to a reasonable degree.  I don't say the latter flippantly.  We are living in a time of unprecedented misery and sadness for many and even if we're not on the front line, we are still experiencing the very sad and troubled emotions triggered by world events on the back of what has already been a very frightening and unnerving time.

But hey ho, from a Spiritual perspective, we are here for a reason and if we can navigate the highs and lows with grace, self-love and tenacity, I suspect we will develop more humanity, love and compassion for ourselves and our fellow human beings than ever before and this has to be a good thing.

So I've added one of my videos below to explain more and what you can do.  Lots of great tips so do take a look!

I have a few openings coming up if you'd like to work with me to get your health on track.  Don't forget reaching your health goals means more than just dietary and lifestyle change.  These are a part of the jigsaw which includes emotional wellbeing and resilience plus a healthy mindset.

To achieve this, we may need to look at what's causing stress in your life - relationships at home or work for eg.  Health is not just about eating right and since our eating and drinking habits are a direct reflection of how we feel. we must look at the whole of your life in order to create your best life.  Ready? Reply to this email or check out my offerings here.

Big hug