More shake-ups are coming! Are you ready? Get my top tips

What an extraordinary time hey!

I want to highlight another important date for your diary, perhaps explaining why you may be feeling more tired, struggling to sleep or any other struggle so I will come to that in just a moment.

First I'd like to touch on a subject close to my heart which would feel inappropriate not to mention.

 A couple of weeks ago, I'd been sitting on the sidelines watching the activism in response to the murder of George Floyd and the countless others who have suffered before him. 
My reaction was I don’t see colour. I have children who are 1/4 Jamaican. 

 When I was 17, I sat in a quiet cinema and watched Biko and Cry Freedom in tears then reading everything I could about South Africa and Apartheid. Horrified at everything I witnessed but getting myself educated. 

I spoke to my son and told him honestly I felt a bit triggered by it all because I’m not racist. 
My son said, “it’s not about you Mum and how you feel about this. This is about collective unity.” 

This is about everyone working towards the same outcome. Those being oppressed can’t change this by themselves. 

It’s like being one of those people who does nothing when he sees bullying in the playground or one of those police officers who stands by and watches and does NOTHING. 

 In an instant I GOT IT.
Just because I'm non-racist doesn’t mean I stick my head in the sand. 

So if you’re like me and been sitting on the sidelines. DON’T.  There's a protest on Saturday at North Beach at 12.  There are petitions, charities and just simply raising awareness.  I've written to my daughter's school to ask if they are having this conversation there.  

Just as the women suffragettes needed mens vote to change the law for women, by the same token, people of colour need our help to change this systemic racism and that starts with white people accepting their white privilege - not to feel bad about it since you can't help being born into a society that rates white over black especially when white supremacy ideologies are 100s of years old and heavily ingrained and entrenched.  It's absolutely not about us feeling bad though.  We just need to do something!

I’m now getting myself educated as recommended by my son. I recommend White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo.

 So here's the important date I mentioned:

 The Summer Solstice on 21 June 

This is the changeover from Spring into Summer, not as strong as the Equinox but still significant and with a full Solar Eclipse attached on a New Moon, be prepared.

Oh yes!  Nature's energetic shift points keep stirring us up!  Shaking up all our toxicity - emotional and physical which as I've said before, can be pretty uncomfortable.  It starts with these energies affecting fluids at cellular level so regular water drinking is absolutely essential ( up to 3L a day, not more than 1L in 1 hr).

If you can couple that with a super-hydrating diet then all the better.  So avoiding processed foods ( they contain no water, lots of salt and damaged fats) and up your vegetables and fruits as much as possible.  

And then adding in soups, salads, stews, short-grain brown rice, quinoa etc. will deliver a wonderful gentle hydrating message to the body to ease us through these strong universal energies. 

 To navigate this extraordinary time we need flexibility in attitude, mind and body. 

There is simply no consistency right now nor ever will be I suspect, though now more than ever, except in that of change. 

This is not a bad thing but requires a healthy, flexible system to be able to adapt and thrive.  In this place, we can evolve to our best.  We are in the Photon Belt which occurs just twice in a 26,000 year period.

It lasts 2000 years and equates to the greatest periods of evolution for man and womankind.  
How does this relate to health?  
Photon means light so with this huge shedding of light, it is crucial we can hold this light inside out cells which raises our vibration in sync with our planet but this is tricky to do in a dehydrated, toxic, stressed body.  We are just energy after all like our universe!

Since liver is in charge of structure and therefore flexibility in body and mind, use your diet, healthy lifestyle and inner reflection as a way to ensure your adaptability as we navigate life. 
Think of those chronic dis-eases whose symptoms include lack of flexibility - joint issues, arthritis..that rigidity may not be present just in your body.  

Where are you being rigid in your mind, in your life?  
Where are you resisting flow in your life, abundance - financial, work-wise, in relationships, in love? 
Where do you feel lack and hardship ( rigidity)?  
Our universe is a boundless source of energy in the form of love, health etc.  
Where are you blocking the flow?

You have an opportunity here to clear it through compassion and self-care that could take the form of dietary and lifestyle change and changing your mindset by acknowledging your deep-seated negative emotions.

Quick tip: Look after bowel ( with the tools above) and you provide the perfect support for liver

 Now remember I'm giving you a few tips here but if any of this has peeked your interest, know that in 121's we go much much deeper, really get to the core to help you restore sleep issues, feel energised, step into your power and harness your gifts.

 So are you ready?

 I'm right here to help you.


Sophie xox

Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash