The invisible side of Menopause

If you're going through the menopause watch this video.
There is a side to menopause that even I have been blind-sided by personally in the past and that's the emotional one.

It's the one where you don't feel right inside but you can't put your finger on it. You feel emotional - tearful, overwhelmed and your confidence is at an all time low.  

Your mind is littered with negative thoughts.  You think you're going mad and you don't know why.  You feel like 'burning the house down' there's such rage within you.  Other days you feel so low and unmotivated yet there's so much to do.  The sofa beckons you feel so lost and unable to put one foot in front of the other.

Yes you have problems, worries - perhaps your parents are unwell, your teenagers are struggling, your boss is a bully or you have financial worries.  These feel 10X worse when you're in the middle of the menopause.

Or sometimes you berate yourself for feeling like this because in your head there's no reason to, you have a loving partner, work is going well and your kids are happy.  "What on earth is wrong with you," you say to yourself.

Penny Lancaster demonstrates this perfectly right here in this video.  She breaks down live on Loose Women.  This is real-life menopause.

I can't tell you the number of times my clients haven't realised what they're experiencing is part of their menopause.

When I remind them, self-compassion floods in and a willingness to let themselves off the hook for the way they feel.

This is an essential part of coming to terms with such a significant transition in their life and at some point, embracing it.  

Menopause is a great teacher.  It reveals to you how well you're doing at looking after yourself.  It highlights everything that needs to change but one of the keys is to get in touch with your cycle and the 4 phases - incubate, create, retreat and rest.  We're not supposed to be powerhouses all month long.

Penny and the Loose Women crew emphasise 2 important points:

1. The need to be seen and heard.
 “I see you” Penny relays from her Doctor welling up as she cites these valuable words. Recognising how much she has given to others, to her family, now she needs recognition, support and understanding.

2.  The importance of a supportive, understanding partner.  Remember, they're not psychic.  You need to share what you're going through and what you need with your family and friends.  Let them help you.

Ok so your menopause is the start of a new chapter.

What can you do today to honour this rite of passage?

What can you commit to that puts your needs first above everyone else's?  It doesn't have to be all the time but it needs to be enough that you can honour your needs to navigate this transition.

Is it an earlier bedtime routine?  Is it a night out with girlfriends?  Is it creating a weekly healthy meal plan?  

Start small and if you need help, I've created a 3-month 1:1 package that gives you the confidence and energy to manage your menopausal symptoms, puts youin control of your health and takes you from hormone hell to hormone happy!

Much love

Sophie xox