Why we need to support menopause in the work-place

"Up to a third of women will experience severe menopausal symptoms that can impact on their quality of life." (Womens Health Concern)  

Is this you?

Does your employer have a policy in place?  For eg; an open-door policy to speak up and be supported.
Reports reveal it's in the work-place that women are embarrassed to talk about it and worry they'll be stigmatised.

Nearly half of the UK workforce are women.  Peri-menopause can span over 10 yrs with many reporting symptoms including "poor concentration, tiredness, poor memory, feeling low/depressed and lowered confidence. Problematic hot flushes at work have also been linked to women having a higher intention to leave the workforce."  (Women Health Concern).  

Female Suicide is amongst the highest in women between the ages of 45 and 49 (Office for National Statistics 2018).  And don't forget we're working well into our 60's with the average age of menopause at 51.  We need to know how to navigate this time and get the support we need.

I feel passionate about this because as you know I'm going through it too.  I also know with the right advice and support, reduce or avoid many of the symptoms and enhance your wellbeing to feel healthy, calm and confident again.

I'm giving a talk at Rise and Shine Breakfast networking on 1 March.  You are so welcome and please spread the word.  Share this email with anyone you think might be interested.

Invite your partner, boss, manager, colleagues, HR and let's start lifting the lid on this important topic because remember this impacts work, home life, relationships - everything!

I will be sharing my personal experience and my knowledge and insights from working with hundreds of women using emotional, nutritional and lifestyle therapies.

Click on this link for tickets or go to eventbrite direct.

Plus you'll have the opportunity to network in a friendly environment and enjoy a yummy breakfast.

p.s.  Even if you're a woman who's nowhere near her peri-menopause (can be from late 30s to 50s), if you have a menstrual cycle, you'll find it interesting.  Peri-menopause is like being in the 3rd phase of your cycle (pre-menstrual) ALL THE TIME so having some tips and tools to prepare for it will be a huge benefit.

p.p.s.  Can't make it?  Why not consider hosting a Menopause workshop.  Click on the link to find out more.

“It was great to see you today and a really great presentation. Those in the room thoroughly enjoyed it and we have had some positive feedback so thanks again for your time and the wonderful snacks.“ - Marg (2021)

Don't miss out!  Book your place here.

Much love

Sophie xox