Experiencing a difficult menopausal journey? I've got something for you

Do you feel like me right now?

It's the start of 2022 and I have some big questions.

No 1, how can I continue to prioritise my self-care through peri-menopause whilst juggling other responsibilities?
No 2, how can I be kinder to myself on my journey?
No 3, how can I organise my life in a way that makes me feel empowered.

How about you?

Are you absolutely fed up of feeling exhausted, crippled by monthly migraines or heavy periods and daily brain fog?

Or maybe you can't quite put your finger on it.  You just don't have the same energy and motivation.  Life feels flat and dreary.

I hear you.  And because of this, I created the most beautiful healing balancing bespoke menopause package just for you to give you your energy back, to help you feel in control and to enhance your self-love and self-compassion so you can go out into the world feeling strong, brave, curious and powerful.  It's called Balance Hormones Balance You.

This is what you get 
6 coaching sessions over 12 weeks 
Detailed post-session emails with insights and actions
30 minute check-in phone calls in between each session (max. 6)
24/7 contact
Free resources, nutrition plans, supplement & lifestyle advice
Bonus follow-up session

But beware, this program isn't for you if
you want a quick fix
you don't like delving into the past and talking about your feelings
you want a simple diet and lifestyle plan only (this program addresses emotional blocks to release stress AND nutritional & lifestyle issues)

To get the best out of it you need to
be open, willing and committed
let me support you inside and out (this might mean getting in touch in between sessions to share your struggles and celebrate your wins)
Do the work (follow the insights and actions in your emails)
trust the process allowing it to unfold 

Does this sound like you?
Are you ready to invest in yourself?  
Are you ready to put yourself first and get the guidance you need to move forward?
To clear those emotional blocks causing stress and making your menopausal symptoms worse and or make dietary and lifestyle changes?

Remember, hormonal change is a highlighter to everything that's not serving you emotionally, mentally and physically.  

Gain the knowledge and confidence you want around your emotions, diet, lifestyle and mindset so you can navigate your menopausal journey and feel your best self

Still not sure what it's all about?  I've added a thought-provoking video on the challenges of menopause and what it's really teaching you.

Much love and many blessings for 2022.

p.s. if peri-menopause isn't your issue but you're concerned with comfort eating, weight gain, food intolerance and other health issues, you can still gain the knowledge and confidence you desire to feel happy and healthy.  Get in touch or check out my other packages here.